2022 June Newsletter



American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291

Legion Year 22 – 23 Newsletter No. 1


June 2022


Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:

We are grateful to have retired Appellate Court Presiding Judge Hon. Randall Eng leading the Post and serving as our Commander for another year. We are all looking forward to having another successful year under Commander Eng’s leadership. Below is a message to the members from Commander Eng:


Commander’s Message

As I begin my second term as Commander, I wish to thank our Post leadership and devoted members for the outstanding job that they have done in bringing back our activities and programs following the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the 2021-22 Legion Year we were able to have strong representation at the National Convention in Phoenix where we renewed old friendships and brought back many sound ideas to aid us in advancing the goals and ideals of the American Legion.  Our Executive Committee and General Membership meetings were conducted in person, as well as those of CAVMBC, Inc.

In the fall, we hosted our traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and honored our Post Scholarship recipients and their families for their outstanding academic achievements.  Veterans Day was observed and we had the participation of Midshipmen from Annapolis who joined us in our parade through the community.  Faculty members from West Point who had come to New York to study leadership and to learn more about Asian-American experiences also visited.

In January 2022 we welcomed the Year of the Tiger with a New Year’s banquet at the House of Joy Restaurant, which revived our long-standing custom.  March and April saw our involvement in the movement to raise awareness of the high rate of suicide among our fellow veterans.  On April 23, 2022 we provided a color guard and speakers at a well-attended ceremony at the Glenwood Landing American Legion Post 336 to publicly display the Suicide Awareness and Remembrance flag (SAR), which is being proposed for national recognition.

Our Post observed Memorial Day 2022 with a parade along Mott Street to Kimlau Square with marchers from our Post, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion, along with public officials and community leaders who also participated in a solemn program at the Memorial Arch.

The Pandemic has led to a drop in our membership rolls that must be addressed by all of us.  Among our family and friends are eligible veterans who should be encouraged to join so that we may continue our long tradition of being one of the most outstanding posts in the Department and the Nation.  Join me in a strong recruiting effort this new Legion Year so that we may continue to “Serve with Pride” as we have done for over 75 years. Randall Eng, Commander

As you can see in the Commander’s message that even with COVID-19 and its subsequent variants, our Post has resumed normal activities and has had a very busy year. We started the new Legion Year with the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL Legion Year 2022-2023 officers taking their oaths on June 4th, 2022. Please join us in congratulating them for a successful year. We would like to thank you for your support and trust. The officers’ installation took place at the Post Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium. The reception was at House of Joy Restaurant, and unlike the previous years with close to a 1000 community and post members in attendance at the banquet; we had to settle for a smaller venue due to the closure of large restaurants in Chinatown. This year, we needed a second restaurant for members and family. Our guests included Taipei Economical Cultural Office Ambassador James Lee, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Raymond Tsang, New York State Senator John Liu, City Councilman Christopher Marte, community leaders and four members of the Boston Chinatown Post 328. Thank you to all the VIP and guests for attending and special thanks to Installation Officer, Department Vice Commander Arthur Kiernan for conducting the installation ceremony.

In his acceptance remarks, Judge Eng, a second-generation veteran told a fascinating story about his father’s struggle to live the American dream. His father immigrated to the United States at the young age of fifteen. He entered the service when he was eighteen and served as an airplane mechanic during WWII. After discharging from the service, he enrolled in the Academy of Aeronautics and received an airplane mechanics certificate. Not surprisingly, he could not find a job in the field he was trained in during a period of racial prejudice in America. But that disappointment didn’t stop him as he was determined to achieve success and live the American dream. He worked hard and went on to own a laundry business and raise three children who all have very successful professional careers.

Commander Eng laid out his goals for the coming year with the aim to work with New York City to ensure the Lt. Kimlau Memorial Arch, the first monument honoring Asian Americans in the city of New York be designated as landmark, and will receive proper funding for the much needed renovation. He also pledged to work with Councilman Christopher Marte, Department of Veterans Services to spearhead the renaming of the Chatham Square to Lt Kimlau Square to honor the sacrifices and contribution of Chinese Americans.

Auxiliary President Jaime Seto-Yee and SAL Commander David Lee in their speeches thanked their respective members for their support and promised to be avid supporters for all Legion Programs. Congratulations to all the new officers and we wish them all a successful year.






婦女會主席司徒寶叠和子弟部李立民主席在致辭中感謝會員支持,並將成為所有退伍軍人會服務計劃的熱心支持者。 祝賀全體職員勝任愉快及成功的新的一年。



Come Join Us for a Day of Fun


Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 will hold a one day bus trip (一日旅行團) to:

Where 地點:

  1. Grounds for Sculpture (雕塑公園)

  2. Princeton University (普林斯頓大學)

  3. BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Robbinsville (印度神廟)


When 時間及日期:  

Saturday July 30, 2022 (8 am to 6 pm).  Bus will depart 99 Bowery, New York, NY 10002, 8:00 am sharp


Who 參加者:

Legion, Auxiliary, SAL, families & friends 凡屬軍人會、婦女會、子弟部會員及親朋戚友均可參加

Cost 費用:    

$30/person  Maximum 2 tickets per Legion/Auxiliary/SAL member. First come first served, tickets are limited. 隨本會巴士前往者每人費用三拾元。凡屬軍人會、婦女會、子弟部會員,每人最多購票兩張,坐位有限,先到先得。

Registration Date 報名日期:         

From Monday July 10, 2022 – Sunday July 23, 2022 (2 to 4 pm daily at Post Headquarters)



2022 Scholarship 二零二二年獎學金

Applications for the 2022 Post Scholarship and the Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship are being accepted through August 31, 2022.  For details concerning qualifications and requirements, please refer to previous newsletters or contact Post Headquarters. Application Forms can be obtained at Post Headquarters during office hours (2 pm to 4 pm daily) or downloaded directly from our website at www.ltkimlau.com. Anyone who wishes to apply should contact our Post for more information.




Legion Year 2022 – 2023 Officers 本年度職員


Position 職位

Name(s) 職員

Commander 主席

Randall Eng 伍元天

Vice Commander 副主席

Sean Tse 謝國寶, Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Thomas Ong 鄧燦業

Adjutant 幹事

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立

Ass’t Adjutant 助理幹事

Mark Eng伍顯宗

Chinese Secretary 中文書記

David Lam 林善群

Treasurer 財政

Howard Chin陳煥寧

Judge Advocate 評議

Richard Shin 單志然

Historian 會歷

Mimi Wang 王咪咪

Sgt. at Arms 糾察

De Zhi Yu余德志, Antonio Chuy 朱超然

Auditor 核數

Arvin Chin 陳毓堂, Yeuk Chung Moy 梅若松

Post Chaplain 宗教主任

Philip Eng 伍沃欽

Executive Committee 執行委員

Jia  M. Wu 伍家明, Lester Chang鄭永佳, Johnny Kung龔耀宗, David Yee余龍青, Joe Law羅明泰, Hon Pun Chan陳漢斌, Albert Eng 伍澄江, Don Yee 余超俊, Wilem Wong黃伯聰, Thomas Lee李振宏, Jimmy Quan 關志文


First CAVMBC Membership Meeting for LY2022-2023

Sunday June 26, 2022, 1pm at Post Auditorium

For members joined on January 17, 2004 and prior / members has been approved for CAVMBC membership only



會員必需在一月十七日, 二零零四年前加入本會或已經獲實業公司董事局批准入會才能參加會議


First Post General Membership Meeting for LY2022-2023

Sunday June 26, 2022, 3pm at Post Auditorium

For all members, please come and see what’s going on, we need your involvement




We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you.  Until we meet again, stay well!





THE STAFF   本會行政小組仝人敬啟

Randall Eng伍元天, Sean Tse謝國寶, Kenneth Wong黃建中, Thomas Ong鄧燦業

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Mark Eng伍顯宗

David Lam 林善群, Howard Chin 陳煥寧