American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Legion Year 23 – 24 Newsletter No. 3
January, 2024
Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:
We sincerely hope the Holiday Season brings everyone good health and happiness. As we approach the New Year, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones; may your home be filled with comfort, peace, and happiness. The Lunar New Year is right around the corner and we wish you and your families a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year, the year of the Dragon.
In September, our member James Hendon, Commissioner of New York City Department of Veterans Services reached out to Adjutant Gabe Mui for information on a WWII Veteran named Wing O. Hom. Hom, who was previously reported missing in action, has finally been accounted for using advanced anthropological and mitochondrial DNA analysis. The heartwarming story of Pvt. Wing O. Hom unfolded in a most unbelievable way. Ken Hom, the nephew of Pvt. Wing O. Hom, posted a Memorial Day tribute on Instagram in 2019 that turned out to be the most important connection to identifying his long lost uncle and the eventual return of his remains to his loved ones. Pvt. Hom went missing in February 1944 during a fierce battle in Italy. Despite tireless efforts to locate him, his body remained unrecovered and he was tragically never reported as a prisoner of war. Pvt. Hom was declared deceased in February 1945. In 2021, a set of remains, initially unidentified and found near the hamlet of Ponte Rotto, was laid to rest at the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery in Nettuno, Italy. In a remarkable turn of events, a Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) historian exploring unresolved losses during the Italian campaign suggested a possible connection to Pvt. Wing O. Hom and these remains were exhumed and sent for analysis in 2021.
For two fruitless years, the DPAA historian was working on any leads to find the family of Pvt. Wing O. Hom when he saw the nephew’s post on Instagram that eventually led to reuniting the family. Pvt. Hom’s remains were interred in Brooklyn, New York, on October 11th, 2023. This touching moment finally united Pvt. Hom with his beloved family, resting beside his father, mother and brother at the Evergreen Cemetery.
A large contingent of Kimlau Post members led by Commander Ong attended the memorial service, which was conducted by Adjutant Gabe Mui and Chaplain Phil Eng. Veterans from Boston Chinatown Post 328, Seattle Cathay Post 398 and active military personnel came to pay their respects. One by one, members and veterans alike saluted the casket. Commissioner of Boston Department of Veterans Service (Pvt. Hom enlisted in the U.S. Army as a resident of Boston), Commissioner James Hendon, New York State Assemblywoman Grace Lee, Assemblyman Lester Chang and New York City Councilman Christopher Marte were all also in attendance.
Our Post also attended the 12th anniversary commemoration ceremony of PVT Danny Chen’s death at the corner of Canal Street and Elizabeth Street where the street was co-named Danny Chen Way. Post members joined the Chinatown community and participated in the Republic of China Double Ten Parade in Chinatown. Post, Auxiliary and SAL members attended the Corky Lee Street co-naming ceremony at the corner of Mott Street and Mosco Street. Corky served as Vice Commander and two terms as Commander in the SAL Squadron 1291. He also is a well-known community activist and photojournalist. He organized the recreation of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad by Chinese workers ceremony in Utah and worked tirelessly on the WWII Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Project.
In November, the Post hosted the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on November 5th instead of the traditional November 11th to accommodate members who wished to participate in “America’s Parade” hosted by the United War Veterans on Fifth Avenue. It was a great honor to have 50 Midshipmen from the Naval Academy, members of the Academy’s Chinese Cultural Club, participate in our parade in Chinatown. They have been participating in our Post Veteran’s Day parade for the past eight years. Also for the first time, 10 Army Cadets from the West Point Academy and 10 cadets from the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut participated in the parade. We are grateful for their participation and hope the friendship we have built over the year will continue. The Thanksgiving party was held on November 17th in the Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium where 130 Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of American Legion members, family and friends attended and enjoyed the holiday meal. The attendance was down compared to previous years but the festive mood was still felt throughout the event.
For the third consecutive year, the Post Color Guard led the American Legion contingent in “America’s Parade” hosted by the United War Veterans on Fifth Avenue on Veterans Day. While we were happy and proud that our Color Guard unit had the opportunity to showcase in the parade, we felt the largest and most active Legion Post in New York County should not be scrambling at the last minute to assemble a color guard unit that consisted of one active military member and one SAL member. The Lt. Kimlau Post color guard unit has a long and proud history of serving our community. They not only are an essential part of our annual Memorial Day Parade and Veterans Day Parade, they also participate in numerous community functions. They have received much praise and are widely recognized as the best color guard unit in New York County. But many in the color guard unit are of advanced age and we desperately need our younger members to step up and carry on this proud tradition. The Post realizes the cost of the color guard uniform is substantial; a reimbursement program to offset the cost has been instituted for many years. If you are interested in joining this proud and patriotic unit, please contact Post Headquarters for more information.
Our scholarship program has been a great success over the years and the academic achievements of our children and grandchildren should be a great source of pride for all of us. Since the scholarship program was revived in 2005, we have awarded over 250 scholarships to children and grandchildren of our members.
We sincerely thank the families of Maj. Stanley Lee and Bock Lee Moy for making donations to create scholarships in memory of our long time members. We also want to thank our member Dung Hon Leung for his continuing support of the Post scholarship program by donating a total of $7,000 over the last five years. The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage members and member’s progeny for higher education. The “Maj. Stanley Lee Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000, is in its fifth year of a ten-year program and was awarded to Nicole Hom, Daughter of Wayne Hom. The “Bock Lee Moy Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Chance Yan, son of Lap Yau Yan and the “Dung Hon Leung Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Malia Kaiser, granddaughter of Richard Shin.
We were pleased to hand out the above awards, as well as the Post Scholarship awards (equal to $700 each) to fifteen well deserving recipients during the recent Post annual Christmas party. We would like to congratulate them all on their outstanding achievement and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. We also handed out one Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award to Preston Hom. The award recipient completed a certified course in Chinese Study. Please note that the post has revised the scholarship application period to allow students to submit their scholarship applications from January 1st to August 31st.
我們衷心祝福節日帶給大家健康和幸福。 值此新年來臨之際,我們向您和您的親人致以最誠摯的祝福; 願您的家充滿舒適、平安和幸福。農歷新年將至,在此謹祝大家心想事成,身體健康,家庭和睦,生活愉快,龍年行好運。新的一年帶來了新的希望,亦帶來了興奮的心情來迎接今年忙碌的挑戰。
本會非常感謝李飛揚家人和Saunders家人及梅百里家人捐款設立「紀念獎學金」,同時亦非常感謝本會會員梁雲從在過去五年共捐款七千元設立「梁雲從獎學金」,頒發給成績優異的學生,以鼓勵會員及其子弟勤奮向學,力求上進。為期十年每年一千元的「Maj. Stanley G. Y. Lee少校紀念獎學金」頒發給譚超然女兒譚蕙心,一千元的「梅百里紀念獎學金」頒發給頒發給甄立猷兒子,一千元的「梁雲從獎學金」頒發給單志然孫女。
Post Activities 會務
The following motions were approved during the October 1, 2023 General Meeting:
Approved participation in the community “Double-Ten” parade.
Approved to hold the Post Veterans Day Parade on November 5, 2023.
Approved to the Post Staff’s recommendation of adjusting the Post Color Guards reimbursement for participating in the Post parades. Uniform cleaning increase to $15 from the current $10, they also eligible to receive replacement of the white uniform shirt after 15 times of services and replacement of a pair of white gloves after 10 times of services. All Post members including color guards will continue to receive $10 for participating in Post parades effective October 1, 2023.
News/Announcement/Gossip 其他消息
Please note the Lunar New Year banquet ticket for Legion members this year is $20, Post 1291 officers and past commanders ticket is $10.
The Post lunar year 4721 New Year’s Eve celebration will be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 6 pm at the House of Joy Restaurant (28 Pell Street). Anyone who wishes to attend must register with the Chinese Secretary from Monday January 8, 2024 to Sunday January 21, 2024 between 2 – 4 pm daily. Dinner tickets are limited. Eligibility and cost for the dinner are as follow –
Members with 2024 membership card – one $20 ticket each.
Companion ticket $20.00 each – limited to one per member, no exceptions.
Members of the Lt. Kimlau American Auxiliary Unit or the Lt. Kimlau Sons of American Legion Squadron are invited to join this celebration if they are not qualified based on the above requirement. Cost is $20.00 and maximum 2 tickets each. Must show your 2024 Auxiliary or SAL membership card when register.
The 2023 Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 Scholarship Award winners are (本會獎學金得獎人名單如下):
Nicole Hom (譚蕙心) – daughter of Wayne Hom (譚超然女兒)
Chance Yan – son of Lap Yau Yan (甄立猷兒子)
Malia Kaiser – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女)
Katelin Chen – daughter of Bo Chen (陳波女兒)
Nicholas Gee (son of Benny Gee 兒子)
Spencer Hom – grandson of Chuck Hom (譚卓滋孫子)
Ashley Jew – granddaughter of Wah C. Jew (趙華昌孫女)
Luke Kaiser – grandson of Richard Shin (單志然孫子)
Bryant Lee – son of Sam Lee (李樹賢兒子)
Eric Lee – grandson of John M. Wong (黃俊民孫子)
Kaity Lee – daughter of Brain Lee (李錦源女兒)
Philip Ma – son of John Ma (馬裕材兒子)
Medeline Murnin – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女)
Sara Ng – granddaughter of Jack Y. F. Ng (伍福源孫女)
Aiden Wong – son of Henry Wong (黃偉生兒子)
Anna Wu (伍瑋菌) – daughter of Jai Ming Wu (伍家明女兒)
Jeffrey Wu (伍永曦) – son of Jai Ming Wu (伍家明兒子)
Ricky Yu – son of De Zhi Yu (余德志兒子)
The 2023 Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award winner is (司徒旺中國文化獎學金得獎人): Preston Hom – grandson of Chuck Hom (譚卓滋孫子).
Congratulations to all the winners在此恭祝各得獎者百尺竿頭,更進一步.
Members who joined from January 18, 2004 to January 17, 2017 are eligible to apply for Chinese American Veterans Memorial Building Committee (CAVMBC) membership. Please stop by our Post Headquarter between the hours of 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm to obtain the application form.
We are currently at 58% renewal in membership which is lack behind the Department goal of 75% at this time. Please renew as soon as possible so we can achieve 100% membership. Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person.
Taps 仙逝會員
We are sad to report the following legionnaires has passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.
May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!
Huen Lee 李 權 (Oct 23)Seid Chin (Oct 23) |
Stanley Hom 譚 灼 傅 (Dec 23) |
New/Transfer Members 新入會會員
There were six new members approved by the last General meetings
Jeffrey Pan 潘 俊 (Gulf – Air Force) |
Ting Tat Chan 陳 定 達 (Gulf – Navy) |
Philip Songling Du 杜 松 岭 (Gulf – Army)George A. Sheinkopf (Leg Act) |
Matthew Liao 廖 騰 照 (Gulf – Army)Yao Chen 陳 堯 (Gulf – Navy) |
Please join us to welcome the above new member. Hope to see all of you in future functions.
We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon. Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!
THE STAFF 本會行政小組
Thomas Ong 鄧燦業
Sean Tse 謝國寶, Kenneth Wong 黃建中, De Zhi Yu 余德志,
Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Howard Chin 陳煥寧
David Lam 林善群, Wan Y. Tam 譚煥瑜