JROTC Summer Camp

Lt B. R. Kimlau Post 1291 making a positive impact in the development of our youths, future military recruiting, and future veterans joining the American Legion



On May 15, 2023, checks from the Old Guard of the City of New York and the American Legion Lt. Benjamin Ralph Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 were presented to military science instructor, ret. MAJ Sang Lee, USA. The checks totaled $2,100 and will enable 35 Fort Hamilton High School JROTC cadets (170 cadets enrolled in program with most whom are economically disadvantaged) to attend the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge summer camp at the New York Military Academy from June 23-28, 2023.

JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) is a six day JROTC summer camp held at the New York Military Academy. It is anticipated that 350 Army/Air Force/Marine/Navy cadets from various JROTC programs will participate from the tri-state area. Cadets will be fully engaged in activities such as rappelling, canoeing, obstacle courses, zip lines, orienteering, drill and ceremonies, and various team building events. The intent is to challenge cadets in an austere environment and develop their leadership, communication, and social skills.



Photo caption: Fort Hamilton HS JROTC Cadets with military science instructor, ret. MAJ Sang Lee, USA, with two cadets each hold a check. Cadet to the left of MAJ Lee has the check from the Old Guard of the City of New York and the cadet to the right has the check from the American Legion Lt. Benjamin Ralph Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291. Wilem Wong to the left of the cadet with the Old Guard’s check is representing the Old Guard. To the right of the cadet holding the check from the Kimlau’s Post are Vice Commander Tommy Ong and Past Commander Kenneth Wong wearing their American Legion uniform cap representing the Kimlau’s Post. About half of the cadets pictured in the photo will be attending JCLC.