2023 June Newsletter


American Legion

Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291

Legion Year 23 – 24 Newsletter No. 1


June 2023



Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:

Our Post teamed up with the New York City Old Guards in sponsoring 35 Fort Hamilton High School students who are economically disadvantaged and enrolled in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Cadet (JROTC) program to attend summer camp at the New York Military Academy. The JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) is a six-day summer camp anticipated to have 350 Army / Air Force / Marine /Navy cadets from various JROTC participants from the tri-state area. Cadets will fully engage in activities such as rappelling, canoeing, obstacle courses, zip lines, orienteering, drill ceremonies and various team-building events. The intent is to challenge cadets in an austere environment and develop their leadership, communication, and social skills.  The Kimlau Post is a strong supporter of one of the American Legion’s pillars of making a positive impact in the development of our youth, future military recruiting, and future veterans joining the American Legion.

Memorial Day is a day to pay tribute to the warriors who have given the ultimate sacrifice to secure the safety and freedom of our nation. It is a special yet solemn day as it reminds veterans and civilians alike of the immense price we pay for freedom. As Americans, we owe a debt of gratitude for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Our Post participated in the Memorial Day Ceremony at the uptown Soldiers and Sailors Monument in the morning. The annual Memorial Day observance included the laying of wreaths by many veterans’ organizations and active duty, reserve and cadet military units also joined us. In the afternoon, our Post held a Memorial Day Parade in Chinatown. Sincere thanks to the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members, elected Government officials and community leaders for participating in the parade. U.S. Representative Dan Goldman, NYS Assembly Members Grace Lee and Lester Chang, NYC Council Member Christopher Marte, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Deputy Director General Rita Chen, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Raymond Tsang and 5th Precinct Commander Tao Chen gave speeches that recognized the enormous sacrifice and contributions of Chinese American veterans to the country, yet they still continue to face the challenges of anti-Asian hate and that has to change.

We started the new Legion Year with the Legion and SAL Legion Year 2023-2024 officers taking their oaths on June 3rd, 2023. Please join us in congratulating them for a successful year. We would like to thank you for your support and trust. The officers’ installation took place at the Post Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium. The reception was at House of Joy Restaurant. We were happy to see increased participation from community and post members who were in attendance at the banquet. The installation banquet had to be held on two separate days due to the capacity limits of restaurants available in Chinatown. Our guests included Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Ambassador James Lee, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Raymond Tsang, New York City Councilman Christopher Marte, various community leaders and four members of the Boston Chinatown Post 328. Thank you to all the VIPs and guests for attending and special thanks to Installation Officer, Department Vice Commander Colleen McCarthy for conducting the installation ceremony for our Kimlau Officers. Retiring Commander Hon. Judge Eng said he will always cherish his time as commander of Lt. Kimlau Post and will continue to be an active member of the Post. Newly installed Commander Thomas Ong said in his acceptance speech, it has been an incredible two years under the leadership of Hon. Judge Eng. He led the Post back to normal activities and recruited new members even under the most difficult circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. He took time off and made himself available for all Post functions even with his busy legal career. Commander Ong said he would continue to draw on the knowledge and learn from the Post leadership team. He pledged to uphold the American Legion’s goals and principles and to carry on the fine traditions that were built before him. SAL Commander David Eng in his speech thanked their respective members for their support and promised to be avid supporters for all Legion Programs. Congratulations to all the new officers and we wish them all a successful year!

Congratulations to Kimlau Post’s newest Legion College graduates; Wayne Hom, Henry Wong, Hon Pun Chan and Tony Lee. They have successfully completed their studies at SUNY Morrisville in June. The American Legion College is a weekend long immersion into the Legion’s program and structure and issues facing veterans. Its goal is to foster leadership skills, teamwork and problem solving of issues they may face in their home post. The curriculum covers an array of topics, such as leadership and communication; Americanism, children and youth; legislation; constitution and bylaws: duties of local officers; media relations; membership and more. From the inaugural class in 2004, our post has had a total of 40 members graduate from the Legion College, which by far leads the New York Department with the most graduates for any single post. We strongly encourage members who are interested in enhancing their knowledge about the Legion to consider signing up for next year’s Legion College.




本會新一屆的職員已在六月日在本會伍覺良董事長禮堂就職,我們哀心感謝大家的支持及信賴。在此祝全體職員勝任愉快及成功新的一年。就職晚宴在華埠喜運來酒樓,由於華埠大型酒樓金豐因疫情影響而關閉,不能像往年一樣可以筵開百席,今年只能分設兩日在華埠喜運來酒樓舉行。參加就職典禮嘉賓眾多,包括台北經濟文化辦事處李光章大使,紐約市議員馬泰,中華公所主席曾偉康,及遠道而來的波士頓華裔美國退伍軍人會的四位代表親臨祝賀。特別感謝紐約州副主席主持新一屆職員就職典禮。伍元天主席在卸任致辭中回顧兩年事蹟及強調他將永遠珍惜任內-切時光,並將繼續效勞會務。新任鄧燦業主席感謝伍元天主席在困難的疫情中帶領本會回覆正常運作及招募新會員,他在繁忙的法界工作中仍抽空處理會務。鄧主席表示他將繼續向前輩學習以增進知識,他諾以退伍軍人會宗旨繼續推進會務,並發揚前人所建立的優良傳統。子弟部李國華主席在致辭中感謝會員支持,並將成為所有退伍軍人會服務計劃的熱心支持者。 祝賀全體職員勝任愉快及成功的新的一年。



2023 Scholarship 二零二年獎學金

Applications for the 2023 Post Scholarship and the Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship are being accepted through August 31, 2023.  For details concerning qualifications and requirements, please refer to previous newsletters or contact Post Headquarters. Application Forms can be obtained at Post Headquarters during office hours (2 pm to 4 pm daily) or downloaded directly from our website at www.ltkimlau.com. Anyone who wishes to apply should contact our Post for more information.



Legion Year 2023 – 2024 Officers 本年度職員


Position 職位

Name(s) 職員

Commander 主席

Thomas Ong 鄧燦業

Vice Commander 副主席

Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Sean Tse 謝國寶, De Zhi Yu余德志

Adjutant 幹事

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立

Ass’t Adjutant 助理幹事

Howard Chin陳煥寧

Chinese Secretary 中文書記

David Lam 林善群

Treasurer 財政

Wan Y. Tam譚煥瑜

Judge Advocate 評議

Randall Eng 伍元天

Historian 會歷

Mimi Wang 王咪咪

Sgt. at Arms 糾察

Antonio Chuy 朱超然, Jonathan Klingenberg

Auditor 核數

Don Yee 余超俊, Wilem Wong黃伯聰

Post Chaplain 宗教主任

Philip Eng 伍沃欽

Executive Committee 執行委員

Jia  M. Wu 伍家明, Jimmy Quan 關志文, Bo Chen 陳 波, Arvin Chin 陳毓堂, Albert Eng 伍澄江, Johnny Kung龔耀宗, Hon Pun Chan陳漢斌, Joe Law羅明泰, Yeuk Chung Moy 梅若松, David Yee余龍青, Ping Wing Chu 朱炳榮



First CAVMBC Membership Meeting for LY2023-2024

Sunday June 25, 2023, 1pm at Post Auditorium

For members joined on January 17, 2004 and prior / members has been approved for CAVMBC membership only



會員必需在一月十七日, 二零零四年前加入本會或已經獲實業公司董事局批准入會才能參加會議


First Post General Membership Meeting for LY2023-2024

Sunday June 25, 2023, 3pm at Post Auditorium

For all members, please come and see what’s going on, we need your involvement






We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you.  Until we meet again, stay well!




THE STAFF   本會行政小組仝人敬啟

Thomas Ong鄧燦業, Kenneth Wong黃建中, Sean Tse謝國寶, De Zhi Yu余德志

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Howard Chin 陳煥寧,  David Lam 林善群, Wan Y. Tam 譚煥瑜