2024 April Newsletter



American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291, Inc.

Legion Year 23 – 24 Newsletter No. 4


April, 2024


Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:

We want to thank our members and their families for joining us at the lunar New Year Eve celebration at House of Joy Restaurant. We hope the year of the Dragon brings everyone good health and prosperity. There were nearly 400 Legion family members in attendance at our Lunar New Year dinner celebration and everyone appreciated the festive gathering. It was a very joyous occasion to have an opportunity to meet with our members and celebrate the year of the Dragon.

We would like to inform our members of the new membership dues increase announced during the 2024 National Convention in Charlotte, NC. The National Executive Committee has approved a $5.00 national per-capita dues increase from $18.50 to $23.50 for Legion Year 2025 effective June 1, 2024. The National Headquarters recognizes the current membership standing and economic situation and in order to continue supporting The American Legion’s ability to serve and advocate for the veterans, U.S. armed forces and youth, the $5.00 membership dues increase is a necessity.

Perhaps most of our members are not familiar with how Legion membership dues are structured. Normally, membership dues are broken down into portions paid to the National, Department, County and Post. With the new $5.00 increase for the National Legion, which would raise the dues for the national portion to $23.50, the Department portion currently is at $16.00, and the County portion is at $3.50. Even though our Post does not collect any dues from our members, the total dues per member the Post will send to the National, Department and County is at $43.00 for the Legion Year of 2025. As a long standing practice, our Post has been subsidizing every member $13.00 and has maintained the Post membership dues at $25.00 last year. In the January membership meeting, membership has unanimously approved that our Post will continue to subsidize every member $13.00 for the coming year and with an increase of $5.00, the new membership dues will be $30.00 effective June 1, 2024.

The Department membership team has recommended a membership renewal target date for April 3rd of 95%. Our Post membership renewal is currently at 84%. With the Legion year ending in a couple of months, it is important that we put in the maximum effort to ensure we reach out to those members who have not yet renewed their membership. The American Legion is the largest veterans’ organization and has the most influential voice in advocating veterans’ issues and benefits on Capitol Hill. It has recorded consistent accomplishments for veterans and their families since 1919. We should also remember, “it is not the price you pay to belong, but the price you paid to be eligible to belong.”  Most importantly, the biggest intangible benefit of being a member is the lifelong friendships that are created.  That being said, we would like to remind our members once again to remit membership dues to the Post in a timely manner.

Our Post has implemented electronic communication since 2019, and to our surprise; we continue to see some emails being returned as undeliverable.  If you have an email address but did not receive the newsletter, it is likely that your email address in our records is no longer valid. Please send an email to POST1291@YAHOO.COM to update us with your new email address and be sure to include your name and Legion ID number in the email so that we can correctly associate your information in the post records. Please check your email spam folder and change your settings to accept mail from POST1291@YAHOO.COM to be delivered to your inbox. To continue to receive future newsletters, it is of utmost importance that we have your current email address.

We are extremely grateful to Governor Houchul and the Department of Veterans Services Deputy Commissioner Benjamin Promerance for honoring the members of the Lt. Kimlau Post 1291; who served in the Vietnam War Era in a special recognition ceremony at Kimlau Post. The Vietnam War was the longest war in American history and was very unpopular with many Americans. Anti-war sentiment was seen everywhere; many protested against the US involvement in a civil war and many also opposed the draft. Even today, many Americans still ask whether the American effort in Vietnam was a sin, a blunder, or even a necessary war. The men and women who served did not receive a hero’s welcome when they returned home. Many endured hateful treatment and were told not to dress in a uniform that would convey they were military service men and women due to the hostility they may receive. There were many efforts by the government to right the wrong and start to recognize the sacrifices and brave service by the Vietnam Veterans. Thanks to Governor Houchul, the Chinese American Vietnam Veterans have finally received their long overdue recognition for their honorable service in the United States Military. Thirty-seven members of our Post were present to receive the proclamation and we are proud of their service and grateful for their recognition.

We were delighted to hand out nearly 20 scholarship awards in December to recognize deserving students’ hard work in achieving academic success. Please note that in order to make it easier for students to arrange for transcripts to be sent to us while they are still in school the post has revised the scholarship application period.  The scholarship application submission period will now be from January 1st to August 31st.


在北卡羅來納州、夏洛特舉行的一百零四屆全國年會中通過全國總會每位會員會費增加五元,由十八元五毫增至二十三元五毫 ,二零二四年六月一日生效。總會認為繼續對退伍軍人提供優良的服務及向國會爭取更多的退伍軍人福利,在目前的經濟狀況因通貨膨脹壓力下,增加會員會費是必然及極需的。



本會在二零一九年通過及已經採用電郵方式與各會員通訊,但是令我們覺得驚訝的是每一次發電訊給會員時都有收到電郵無法投遞而被退回,如果你有電郵地址但未收過電郵會務通訊,原因可能是本會記錄存有你的電郵地址已經更改或無效,亦可能你電郵收件時設有自動將會務通訊放置在廢物信箱內,你應該調整你廢物信箱使到會務通訊直接放置到你收信信箱內。如果你沒收到電郵寄出的會務通訊但你有電郵地址,請盡快電郵你的姓名及本會會員証號碼到本會電郵地址 POST1291@YAHOO.COM

本會非常感謝紐約州長胡楚及紐約州退伍軍人事務處副處長普羅蘭斯。普羅蘭斯到紐約華裔美國退伍軍人會舉行的特別表彰儀式為參與越戰的華裔退伍軍人頒發由紐約州長胡楚簽署的表揚狀。越戰是美國史上持續時間最長的戰爭,非常不受美國人歡迎。 反戰情緒隨處可見,許多人抗議美國捲入內戰。 即使在今天,許多美國人仍然問美國在越南的努力是否是一種罪惡、一個錯誤、一場必要的戰爭。越戰退伍軍人退役後並沒有受到英雄式的歡迎。許多人遭受了仇恨對待,並被告知不要穿能表明他們是軍人的製服,因為他們可能會受到敵意。 政府做出了許多努力來糾正錯誤,並開始承認越南退伍軍人的犧牲和勇敢的服務。 感謝胡胡爾州長,華裔越戰退伍軍人終於因在美國軍隊中的光榮服役而獲得了遲來的認可。 出席頒獎典禮的三十七名退伍軍人會成員對他們的服務感到自豪,並對獲得在越戰中的無私奉獻及忠勇服務國家的認同感到滿意。



  1. Post Activities 會務

The following motion was approved during the January 28, 2024 General Meeting:


  1. Approved the appointment of Adjutant Gabe Mui, Treasurer Paul Tam and Past Commander Harvard Tang to co-chair the annual Summer Outing Committee.


  1. Approved to increase ticket price for Installation and Lunar New Year Eve dinners from current $20 to $30 per ticket. Extra tickets up to maximum of eight for Installation dinner increase from $35 to $40 effective June 1, 2024. Executive members included Past Commanders tickets are to remain at $10.


  1. Approved to increase membership dues for Post members from the current $25 to $30 effective June 1, 2024.


  1. Approved to work with New York State Department of Veterans Services to hold a ceremony to honor the Chinese-American Vietnam Veterans at the Post Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium.



  1. News/Announcement 其他消息


  1. The 2024 Memorial Day Parade/Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 27, 2024.  All members are encouraged to participate and should sign-up prior to 12:30 pm that day and be ready to assemble at the corner of Mott Street and Canal Street for march-off at or about 1:00 pm.  Lunch will be served at the House of Joy Restaurant, 28 Pell Street at 2:00 PM. Standard uniform required (Jacket and tie, Legion cap, shoes, no sneaker) to receive the $10 transportation reimbursement.

本年度國殤日遊行,定於五月二十七日星期一中午在華埠舉行,參加會員請於該日十二時三十分前到本會書記處登記,一時在勿街夾堅尼路集合出發忠烈坊,禮成後於下午二時在華埠披露街“喜運來大酒樓” 午餐。參加遊行者必須記得衣服整齊(穿套裝,結領帶,著皮鞋,戴軍帽)才能領取十元車馬費。

  1. The Legion Year 2024-2025 Post Installation ceremony and banquet will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024.  Installation of officers is scheduled for 4 pm at the Post Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium; followed immediately by the annual banquet at House of Joy Restaurant at 6 pm.

There have been past incidents and as recent as Lunar New Year Eve dinner that caused disruption when purchasing dinner tickets. To minimize any future disruption and streamline the process, all members must proof their current year membership by showing their membership card when purchasing the dinner tickets. No exceptions will be granted.


As you all aware that our installation banquet is usually attended by close to one thousand invited guests and member families. Due to no restaurant in Chinatown having large capacity for more than 400 people, the installation banquet for this year will be held on two separate days. The banquet on Saturday, June 1st will be for invited guests and the banquet on Sunday, June 2tnd will be for Legion, Auxiliary, SAL members, family and friends. 

Anyone who wishes to attend the banquet must register with the Post staff from Monday May 6, 2024 to Sunday, May 19, 2024 (2 – 4 pm daily, except Tuesday).  First come first served, with no exceptions.  Eligibility and cost for the banquet are as follow –

  • Members with 2024 membership card and who had made a donation of $30.00 or more – one complimentary

  • Companion ticket $30.00 each – limited to one per eligible member, no exceptions.

  • Members of the Lt. Kimlau American Auxiliary Unit or the Lt. Kimlau Sons of American Legion Squadron are invited to join this banquet if they are not otherwise qualified. Cost is $30.00 per ticket and maximum 2 tickets each.  Please bring your 2024 Auxiliary or SAL membership card.

  • Additional tickets can be purchased beginning May 13, 2024 for $40.00. Maximum of 8 additional tickets per member.


過去購買餐券曾發生擾事件,即使在最近的農曆除夕晚餐購買餐券時也有發生 為了避免未來有擾事件發生,會員在購買餐券時必須出示四年會員證。 不會有任何例外。

眾所周知,我們的就職宴會通常有近千名受邀嘉賓和會員家屬參加。 由於華埠沒有像過去那樣大的餐廳,而且餐廳的座位有限,所以今年的就職宴會將在兩天內進行。六月三日星期六的宴會將受邀嘉賓參加六月四日星期日的宴會將會員、家人和朋友舉辦








  1. Taps 仙逝會員

We are sad to report the following legionnaires have passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.

May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!


John Lee     李 榮 璇    (Jan 24)

Larry Quan     關 洪  (Jan 24)

Chester Chin     陳 裕 勤    (Feb 24)


  1. New/Transfer Members 新入會會員

There were seven new members approved by the last General meeting


Sun Tong   湯 鑫    (Gulf – Army)

Fang Ting Chen    陳 芳 婷  (Gulf – Army)

Willy Lin   林 俊 明     (Gulf – Army)

Sai Cheong Yuen    袁 世 昌     (Gulf – Navy)

Odelia Manuel Tablit    (Leg Act – Army)

John Brad Anderson     (Gulf – Army)

John H. Ong     (Leg Act – Army)

Jesse J. Zhong      鍾 家 勝     (Gulf – Navy)


Please join us to welcome the above new members.  Hope to see all of you in future functions.



We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!




THE STAFF   本會行政小組

Thomas Ong  鄧燦業

Kenneth Wong  黃建中, Sean Tse  謝國寶, De Zhi Yu  余德志,

Gabe B. Mui  梅本立, Howard Chin  陳煥寧

Wan Y. Tam  譚煥瑜