Upcoming Activities



Upcoming Activities



Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony – November 7, 2021


Annual Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony hosted by Lt. B. R. Kimlau Post 1291 is scheduled on November 7, 2021. Legion family are to be assemble at 12:00 noon at Mott Street south of Canal Street and parade march off at 12:30 pm. Legion family participating in the parade and ceremony are required to sign in from 11:00 to 12:00 noon for proper reservation of the lunch following the ceremony at Canton Lounge Restaurant (70 Mott Street). Please note the New York City COVID-19 guidelines require showing proof of vaccination to attend lunch after the parade.



Veterans Day Parade (5th Avenue) – November 11, 2021




James W. Casey




The American Legion Department of New York will once again be marching down the ‘CANYON OF HEROS’ in New York City on Veterans Day, November 11th, 2021. The parade was cancelled last year due to the ongoing pandemic and there are still some limitations in the city, and we will be following them to the letter. The Lt. B.R. Kimlau Post #1291 color guard will be leading us this year and the American Legion float will follow us down the parade route. You are welcome to ride the float if you need to but remember it is limited in space. A few years back the weather was extremely cold and windy so please dress appropriately. The parade committee only allows us one color guard and no additional flags or banners except for the DNY American Legion banner. I have been informed that a contingent from National Headquarters will be attending and doing a podcast along the route. Delegations from our neighboring states are also planning to attend and it will be nice to see them once again as things slowly creep back to normal. In previous years we have assembled around noon on 28th Street between 6th Avenue and Broadway and we dispersed at 48th Street. Traditionally we would assemble at P. J. Morgan’s pub after the parade to raise a glass to all our fellow Veterans who were not with us on that day, I’m sorry to say that that will not happen this year due to Covid restrictions. If you would like to continue the tradition, please don’t bring a large group to a pub as some still have capacity restrictions and Covid Vaccination cards may be required. As soon as I am notified of our exact staging area and time, I will let you know. Please come and join us as we salute our fellow Veterans and continue this great tradition.


James W. Casey


Dept, of NY




Thanksgiving Party – November 21, 2021


Kimlau Post Thanksgiving Party at Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium, 1:00 – 3:00 pm



Christmas Party – December 19, 2021


Kimlau Post Christmas Party and Scholarship Award Presentation at Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium, 1:00 – 3:00 pm