American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Legion Year 22 – 23 Newsletter No. 2
September, 2022
Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:
We sincerely hope that you are enjoying your summer and that you and your families are safe and healthy. During the last few months, we have experienced some normalcy in our daily lives and hopefully the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us. Our Post has been fully operational since last July and we are now looking forward to your participation again. We will continue to be vigilant on the health and safety of our members and follow the directive of the government and observe CDC guidelines.
Commander’s Message:
BE THE ONE is the theme that has been proclaimed at the national level of the American Legion and must be supported by all of the members. It is vital that we assume personal responsibility in recognizing difficulties among our comrades and assist them in finding appropriate counseling and other services, to deal with health, financial, and other issues which may be adversely affecting them and leading them towards suicidal thoughts.
Each of us must BE THE ONE to save a buddy from the tragedy of needlessly taking his/her own life when they have done so much to serve and protect their country when they answered the call to service.
In keeping with our tradition of providing a forum for candidates running for elective office, we have hosted candidates for Congress, the State Senate and Assembly, and the New York City Council in the most recent primary election season. Each of them spoke to our members in attendance and answered questions regarding their positions on the issues and their priorities should they be elected.
Thanks must go to Mimi Wang and David Lam as chairs of the annual picnic committee for organizing a delightful bus tour to New Jersey on July 30, 2022 which stopped at the Grounds for Sculpture, Robbinsville Hindu Temple, and Princeton University. A full busload of our members and guests enjoyed a wonderful excursion that included a bountiful Chinese buffet lunch at a restaurant along the route.
The 103rd National Convention of the American Legion was held in Milwaukee, WI from August 26-September 1, 2022 and New York’s own Vincent James “Jim” Troiola was elected National Commander for legion year 2022-23. Our Post was well represented by our commander, three vice-commanders, adjutant, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, and past post commanders.
High-ranking public officials made presentations and awards were given to individuals who rendered extraordinary service to their nation, state, and local communities. The events concluded with the election of a full slate of national officers.
Best wishes to the Legion family for a Happy Moon festival and I look forward to working with everyone as we hopefully begin a healthy and productive Legion year.
By Commander Hon. Randall Eng
Congratulations to two of our members who received high accolades and well deserved recognition during the summer. In early July, Past Commander Mimi Wang was chosen and inducted to the New York State Veterans Hall of Fame by New York State Senator Brain Kavanagh. Mimi became the first female veteran from our Post to receive the recognition for her lifelong service to our country and the veterans. She currently is the chief of Nutrition and Food Services at the New York Harbor Veterans Administration Healthcare System. She continues to devote her personal time to assist Veterans to obtain Veteran Administration benefits including medical, housing and nursing home care.
During the New York Department Convention held on July 13 to 16 in Binghamton, Adjutant Gabe Mui received the 2022 Legionnaire of the Year award. Gabe said he was deeply honored and humbled to receive the award. In his acceptance remarks, Gabe thanked his comrades of the Kimlau Post for their strong support over the years and his mentor, Chairman Peter Woo for the opportunity, which inspired him to serve. He also said it meant a lot to be recognized by the New York Department for doing work that he is so passionate about.
David R. Riley Sr. of Henry P. Smith Post 24, Rome, Oneida County, and 5th District was elected Department Commander of the Legion for 2022-2023. Commander Riley is an U.S. Air Force veteran and served in key roles at all level of the American Legion. Commander Riley designated the Department of New York Temporary Financial Assistance Program, Operation Comfort Warrior and Be the One as his special projects for 2022-2023.
As Commander Eng mentioned, Past Department Commander Vincent James “Jim” Troiola, a U. S. Navy veteran, of William E. DeBevoise Jr. Post 1682 in Orange County, New York, was elected National Commander of 2022-2023 at the 103rd National Convention held at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Commander Troiola emphasized his platform and No. 1 priority for this year is to tackle the toughest challenge facing veterans: veteran suicide. He asked every one of us to “Be the One” to begin thinking and acting to save a life. He laid out a multifaceted approach to tackle veteran suicides that includes: destigmatizing asking for mental help support; providing peer to peer support and resources; creating safe spaces for veterans to be open about their struggle and to “Be the One” help end veteran suicide.
It has been twenty-one years since the unforgettably tragic day that took nearly 3,000 lives on September 11, 2001. Many continue to suffer and our Post will not let it be forgotten by continuing to host a candlelight remembrance at the Kimlau Square to pay tribute to the thousands who perished and honor the heroes who bravely risked their lives to save others. This year we had to adjust our schedule for the remembrance services as the New York Department Commander visitation was on the same day beginning at 5:00 pm. The remembrance was conducted by Commander Randall Eng and attended by the Department Family Leadership; Commander David R. Riley, Sr; Auxiliary President Nancy Babis, Detachment Commander Tim Van Patten II, New York State Senator John Liu, New York City Councilman Christopher Marte, CCBA President Raymond Tsang, Lin Sing Association President Kenny Leung, Ning Yung Association President Kenny Ng, Retired Appellate Court Judge Hon. Doris Ling Cohn, Alternate National Executive Committeeman Tim Van Patten Sr., Department Vice Commander Colleen McCarthy, 1st District Commander Peter Del-Debbio, New York County Commander Jack Stein and many others. All guest speakers spoke about their personal experiences and most of them still have lingering effects of this horrific event. Both Commander Eng and Vice Commander Sean Tse spoke about how the Chinatown community had been deeply impacted and faced many challenges in its recovery. Sean also said that the recent economic downturn, COVID-19 pandemic, alarming rise in anti-Asian discrimination and the pending congestion pricing will definitely add even more pressure to the community’s survival.
第一百零三屆美國退伍軍人總會年會在二零二二年八月二十六日至九月一日在威斯康星州、密爾沃基市舉行,來自紐約的文森特、詹姆斯 “詹” 特羅奧拉獲選為二零二二至二三年全國主席。本會由主席,三位副主席,幹事,財政,糾察及前任主席代表參加年會。國會及地方官員分別祝賀及致詞,軍人會亦向一些傑出貢獻的人士頒獎。年會在總會職員選舉及宣誓後結束。
在伍元天主在上述說的來自紐約州的文森特、詹姆斯 “詹” 特羅奧拉在威斯康星州密爾沃基市舉行的一百零三屆全國退伍軍人年會中獲選為二零二二至二三年全國主席。特羅奧拉主席強調今年退伍軍人會施政第一要務是解決退伍軍人輕生的念頭,所以他呼籲我們每一個人都要盡己所能,擔負「自當重任」以思考及行動來拯救這些退伍軍人。他提出了解決退伍軍人輕生問題的幾個方法包括;令那些有輕生念頭的退伍軍人不畏被輕視而尋求心理幫助,提供及加強同胞間的支持及資源,讓他們感受到尊嚴和理解輕生念頭需要求助。他鼓勵我們必須擔負「自當重任」以防止此類悲劇發生。
Post Activities 會務
The following motions were approved during the June 26, 2022 General Meeting:
Approved the Lt. Kimlau Post 1291 2022-2023 budget plan.
Approve new members of the “Post Scholarship Committee” (Howard Chin, Wayne Hom and Sean Tse) for the LY 2022-2025 term.
通過本會獎學金委員會新成員 – 陳煥寧、譚超然、謝國寶,三人任期為二零二二至二零二五年。
Approved new members of the “Post Compliance Committee” (Mimi Wang, Frank Gee and Thomas Ong) for the LY 2022-2025 term.
通過本會順從法令委員會新成員 – 王咪咪、朱灼輝、鄧燦業,三人任期為二零二二至二零二五年。
Approved to appoint Retired Judge, Honorable Randall Eng as the Post Judge Advocate Consultant for LY 2022-2023.
Approved to appoint Robert E. Lee, Esq. as the Post Legal Consultant for LY 2022-2023.
Approved a one-time $25.00 2022 transportation reimbursement for meetings and functions to all members with over 15 years of good standing membership status with the Lt. Kimlau Post (as determined by Post records as of June 2022). Deadline to claim the special reimbursement is December 31, 2022.
Approve to participate in the LMHA July 4th Parade.
Approve to host the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at 5:00 pm to integrate the Department Commander Visitation on the same day.
Approve a task force composed of staff members and Past Commanders to find a suitable subsidy of a Legion polo shirt with Post name and number.
The 2022-2023 Membership cards have arrived and ready for pick up. Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person. Members’ eligible (fifteen or more continuous membership years) for the Post 2022 Transportation Reimbursement can substitute this payment for annual dues and should consult the attached notice for additional information.
Taps 仙逝會員
We are sad to report the following legionnaires have passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.
May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!
Harry Lum 林 英 儀) (Jul 22) |
Fredrick Lee 李 卓 常 (Jul 22) |
Harry Key (Jul 22) |
Arthur Tom 譚 龍 慶 (Aug 22) |
Bing Foon Ng 伍 炳 垣 (Aug 22) |
Sam Oliver Sue 蕭 玉 堅 (Aug 22) |
New/Transfer Members 新入會會員
There were one new member approved by the last General meetings
William Grodnick (Gulf – Army) |
Joshua Cheung (Gulf – Air Force) |
Pohngean Loo 盧 保 賢 (Gulf – Navy) |
Shuang Wei (Gulf – Army) |
Please join us to welcome the above new members. Hope to see all of you in future functions.
We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon. Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!