American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Legion Year 21 – 22 Newsletter No. 3
January, 2022
Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:
We sincerely hope the Holiday Season brought everyone good health and happiness. The Lunar New Year is right around the corner and we wish you and your families a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year, the year of the Tiger.
Commander’s Message:
As we close out the calendar year 2021, I just wanted to share with you some thoughts as to where we are now and where we will be heading in the year to come.
We have reopened our Post fully after the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections were held and a new slate of officers and executive committee members were duly elected and installed on June 5th. A scaled-down version of the Department of New York Convention was held in July at which we were represented by Adjutant Gabe Mui.
As we returned to our normal cycle of activities, we sent six delegates to the American Legion National Convention in Phoenix, AZ held from August 27 – September 2, 2021.
Although the total number of delegates was lower than the in years past, it was encouraging to see so many of our fellow legionnaires gather from every corner of the country to renew our commitment to mutual helpfulness and to elect an experienced and dynamic slate of national officers.
September 11, 2021 was the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks which so profoundly affected our nation, state, and community. We gathered in-person at the Kimlau Memorial Arch (which achieved New York City Landmark Status in June) to remember those who were lost and to recommit ourselves to rigorously opposing those who would seek to destroy our democratic way of life.
Veterans Day 2021 was observed in our traditional manner with a parade on Mott Street in which we were joined by a contingent of midshipmen from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. After hearing remarks from public officials and community leaders we adjourned to a well-attended luncheon at Canton Lounge.
Our Annual Thanksgiving Party was held at the Post on November 21, 2021 and we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and good fellowship with our members and their families.
Rounding out the year, our Post Christmas Party was held on December 19, 2021 and in addition at the holiday festivities, we continued our tradition of awarding scholarships to our deserving students who inspire us with their dedication to learning and advancement.
A Happy New Year to all in our Legion family and I look forward to working with everyone to move ahead with our programs and activities!
By Commander Randall Eng
In addition to the activities mentioned in Commander Eng’s message above, U. S. West Point Academy faculty members who are currently completing graduate studies at Columbia University visited the Post. Also, 32 members of U. S. West Point Academy Cadets visited our Post two weeks later. We had very pleasant conversations of military experience and cultural awareness. The American Legion National Judge Advocate Mark Seavey and the Tango Alpha Lima Podcast team visited our Post prior to their coverage of the “America’s Parade” hosted by the United War Veterans on Fifth Avenue on Veterans Day. The Post Color Guard led the American Legion contingent in the parade, which was a great honor. We were also honored to attend the Operation Warrior Shield’s Healing for Heroes Dinner as Wilem Wong’s guests. Wilem received the Operation Warrior Shield’s Healing for Heroes Leadership Award for his dedication and commitment to help fellow veterans in need. Congratulations to Wilem! Congratulations are also in order for our member Peter Gong as he was inducted into the New State Veterans Hall of Fame. State Senator Anna M. Kaplan nominated him for his many years of volunteer work in the community.
The Chinese-American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal presentation ceremony for New York area veterans and their families finally took place on December 18, 2021 due to the COVID pandemic delay. It was held in three separate sessions during the day because it was limited in capacity to comply with New York City mandates of social distancing at the Dr. Sun Yet-Sen Middle School in Chinatown. Our Post color guard was honored to present the colors and Chaplain Philip Eng provided the invocation to start off the ceremony. The Congressional Gold Medal is an award bestowed by Congress and is the highest civilian award in the United States. More than 20,000 Chinese American men and women served in the U. S. Armed Forces during World War II. Finally they were able receive the long awaited recognition for their bravery and sacrifice.
Our Post has tried to reach the descendants of our WWII members over the past three years and notify them to register to receive their Congressional Medal. Even with that all-out effort, we found a few of our members missed the May 31st deadline this past year. Our Post anticipated this might happen and in advance of the huge price increase, purchased some WWII Congressional Gold Medals. We will recognize our members’ honorable service in WWII and award them the medal in a future Post event. If you know of any veterans and their families who have not received their medal, please contact them or notify the Post.
We have appealed to our younger members in our previous newsletter to join our prestigious Color Guard Unit. We are happy to report to you that a few members have responded to our desperate call for reinforcement. The Lt. Kimlau Post color guard unit has a long and proud history of serving our community. They are not only an essential part of our annual Memorial Day Parade and Veterans Day Parade; they also participate in numerous community functions as mentioned above. But once again many in the color guard unit are of advanced age and we desperately need our younger members to step up and carry on this proud tradition. The Post realizes the cost of the color guard uniform is substantial; a reimbursement program to offset the cost has been instituted for many years. If you are interested in joining this proud and patriotic unit, please contact Post Headquarters for more information.
Have you visited the Kimlau Post website lately? The website has undergone an extensive makeover in the last few months. We have diligently updated pertinent Post related information, such as Post history, anniversary journals, activity photos and videos. You can download an application form and check on the latest newsletters and activity calendar.
We sincerely thank the families of Maj. Stanley Lee and Kim Wing Ngai for making donations to create scholarships in memory of our long time members. We also want to thank our member Dun Hong Leung for his continuing support of the Post scholarship program by donating $1,000 last year and $1,000 for this year. The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage members and member’s progeny for higher education. The “Maj. Stanley Lee Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000, is in its third year of a ten-year program and was awarded to Willie Chen, Son of Stanley Chen and a graduating High School student. The “Kim Wing Ngai Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Lucy Yin, daughter of Min Xiong. The “Dung Hon Leung Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Spencer Ng, grandson of Jack Y. F. Ng.
We were pleased to hand out the above awards, as well as the Post Scholarship awards (equal to $500 each) to twelve well deserving recipients during the recent Post annual Christmas party. We would like to congratulate them all on their outstanding achievement and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. We also handed out one Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award. The award recipient completed a certified course in Chinese Study. Please note that the post has revised the scholarship application period to allow students to submit their scholarship applications from January 1st to August 31st.
本會在過去的幾個月中為會員提供及舉辦除了伍元天主席報告的各項活動外,現正在哥倫比亞大學深造的十數位美國西點陸軍軍校的老師在十月探訪本會,兩星期後三十二位西點軍校學生亦前來拜訪本會,大家交談服役感想及文化交流,相談甚歡。美國退伍軍人總會評議麥斯維及總會網站廣播團隊在他們採訪在十一月十一日曼哈頓五大道軍人節遊行前到訪本會。非常榮幸本會儀仗隊受到紐約州總會委派在退伍軍人節遊行隊伍領隊先行。我們也非常高興受本會執行委員黃伯聰邀請參加Operation Warrior Shield舉辦的英雄治癒晚宴,黃伯聰並在會上獲獎,得到表掦其對退伍軍人們無私的奉獻。除了祝賀黃伯聰外,亦籍此恭賀本會會員江孔均,他因多年為社區服務而被紐約州參議員Anna M. Kaplan 提名入選進入紐約州退伍軍人名人堂。
你最近可否有上網遊覽過本會設立已久的網站 (LTKIMLAU.COM),本會在近數月努力進行大規模改造,所有相關本會信息如本會歷史資料,每五年出版的紀念週刊,歷年來的活動照片及視頻,最新的會務簡訊及本會活動時間表,亦可以在網站下載入會及獎學金申請表。
本會非常感謝李飛揚家人和Saunders家人及倪錦榮家人捐款設立「紀念獎學金」,同時亦非常感謝本會會員梁雲從在去年及今年共捐款二千元設立「梁雲從獎學金」,頒發給成績優異的學生,以鼓勵會員及其子弟勤奮向學,力求上進。為期十年每年一千元的「Maj. Stanley G. Y. Lee少校紀念獎學金」頒發給陳朝達兒子,一千元的「倪錦榮紀念獎學金」頒發給熊敏女兒,一千元的「梁雲從獎學金」頒發給伍福源孫子。
Post Activities 會務
The following motions were approved during the September 26, 2021 General Meeting:
Approved to hold the Post Veterans Day Parade on November 7, 2021.
Approved the appointment of Jimmy Quan to chair this year’s Marine Toy for Tots Holiday toys distribution.
Approved the Mantle Health First Aid (MHFA) training class by retired NYPD Sergeant Wilem Wong.
Approved to award life membership to Past Commander Mark Eng, Past Commander Tony Chuy, Past Commander Mimi Wang and Past Commander Kenneth Wong effective June 1, 2022.
通過頒贈本會永久會員榮譽給前任主席伍顯宗, 前任主席王咪咪, 前任主席黃建中及前任主席朱超然,定於二零二二年六月一日實行。
Approved the Self Defense Classes at the 2nd floor Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium.
News/Announcement/Gossip 其他消息
Please note the Lunar New Year banquet ticket for Legion members this year is $20, Post 1291 officers and past commanders ticket is $10. New York City has mandated everyone must show proof of vaccination to gain entry to restaurant.
The Post lunar year 4720 New Year’s Eve celebration will be held on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 6 pm at the House of Joy Restaurant (28 Pell Street). Anyone who wishes to attend must register with the Chinese Secretary from Monday December 27, 2021 to Sunday January 9, 2022 between 2 – 4 pm daily. Dinner tickets are limited. Eligibility and cost for the dinner are as follow –
Members with 2022 membership card – one $20 ticket each.
Companion ticket $20.00 each – limited to one per member, no exceptions.
Members of the Lt. Kimlau American Auxiliary Unit or the Lt. Kimlau Sons of American Legion Squadron are invited to join this celebration if they are not qualified based on the above requirement. Cost is $20.00 and maximum 2 tickets each. Must show your 2022 Auxiliary or SAL membership card when register.
The 2021 Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 Scholarship Award winners are (本會獎學金得獎人名單如下):
Willie Chen – son of Stanley C. Chen (陳朝達兒子), Nicholas Tiger Cheung – son of William Cheung (張華南兒子), Kevin Chew – grandson of Jue W. Chew (趙占孫子), Tyler Chung – grandson of Sun Hing Moy (梅新興孫子), Emmeline Chuy – daughter of Antonio Chuy (朱超然女兒), Nicole Hom – daughter of Wayne Hom (譚超然女兒), Leilani Kaiser – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女), Malia Kaiser – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女), Spencer Ng – granddson of Jack Y. F. Ng (伍福源孫子), Brandon Tse – son of Sean Tse (謝國寶兒子), Caitlin Wong – daughter of Henry Wong, Nick Wong – son of John L. Wong (黃立德兒子), Jeffrey Wu – son of Jai Ming Wu (伍家明兒子), Chance Yan – son of Lap Yau Yan (甄立猷兒子), Lucy Yin – daughter of Min Xiong (熊敏女兒).
The 2021 Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award winner is (司徒旺中國文化獎學金得獎人): Christopher Gee 朱卓行 (son of Benny Gee 兒子) Congratulations to all the winners在此恭祝各得獎者百尺竿頭,更進一步.
Members who joined from January 18, 2004 to January 17, 2016 are eligible to apply for CAVMBC membership. Please stop by our Post Headquarter between the hours of 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm to obtain the application form.
We are currently at 71% renewal in membership which is lack behind the Department goal of 75% at this time. Please renew as soon as possible so we can achieve 100% membership. Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person.
Taps 仙逝會員
We are sad to report the following legionnaire has passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.
May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!
Henyin Eng 伍 廣 強 (Oct 21) |
Jack Lum 林 澤 森 (Oct 21) |
Lindy K. Wong 黃 良 佐 (Oct 21) |
Dun L. Chin 陳 進 來 (Nov 21) |
New/Transfer Members 新入會會員
There were two
Please join us to welcome the above new member. Hope to see all of you in future functions.
We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon. Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!
THE STAFF 本會行政小組
Randall Eng 伍元天
Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Thomas Ong 鄧燦業, Sean Tse 謝國寶
Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Mark Eng 伍顯宗
David Lam 林善群, Howard Chin 陳煥寧