American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Legion Year 21 – 22 Newsletter No. 2
September, 2021
Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:
We sincerely hope that you are enjoying your summer and that you and your families are safe and healthy. After experiencing tremendous momentum toward putting COVID-19 behind us, we are now unfortunately faced with a resurgence caused by the Delta variant. The past few months have been unlike any others we have ever experienced, not only is the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to cause havoc but also we have seen horrible anti-Asian discrimination on the rise. Together we must do our part to encourage everyone to get vaccinated and also be strong to combat the alarming rise in anti-Asian discrimination.
The Post resumed normal operations as of July 1st, 2021 and has been busy with various activities. To ensure the safety of our members, we are mandating anyone who is not vaccinated to continue to observe CDC guidelines and Government instructions by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing when inside the Post. We hosted two very successful classes at the Post’s 2nd floor Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium and would like to thank Executive Committeeman Lester Chang for arranging sessions on boating safety in July and August. The one day, 8-hour, boating course would normally cost over $100 but was offered to the Legion family for free. Certified instructor Navy Captain Don McKnight of the NY Naval Militia taught the courses.
Over the last two years, many repeated attempts were made to reach all WWII Post members to have them register for the Chinese American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal with the Chinese American Citizen Alliance (CACA) to receive their long deserved medal for their bravery and sacrifice during WWII. We were able to track down another living WWII Post member who didn’t register before the extended dead line of May 31, 2021. The Post took on the great effort to reward our oldest living member at 107 with 74 years of continuous membership, George Tai, “Mr. George” as he was often referred to out of respect while he was able to visit our Post in the past. Special thanks to 1st District President Karen Chan, a childhood friend of George’s son Jack, for locating George, after we lost contact for over three years since he moved to the Nathaniel Witherell Nursing Facility in Connecticut. Past Commander Tony Chuy, Past Commander Kenneth Wong, Adjutant Gabe Mui, Vice Commander Tommy Ong, along with Karen Chan and her brother Jeffery, a SAL member, made the two hour trip on August 20, 2021 to present the Chinese American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal to George on behalf of the Kimlau Post. The nursing staff decorated the outdoor garden patriotically with American Flags to mark the occasion and invited local media to cover the very emotional presentation ceremony. In a thank you note from George’s family to the Post showing their appreciation for our effort; “As you saw, Dad was beaming with smiles and with snappy salutes to his long-time American Legion commanders and friends, Kay and I have not seen him so engaged in such a long time.”
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Legion Department Headquarters, with the approval of the Department Executive Committee has instituted a new policy for 102nd Department Convention in Albany, New York. The convention was limited to 100 attendees consisting of Department Executive Committee members, Past Department Commanders and Headquarters personnel. Department Vice Commander Gabe Mui, a member of the Department Executive Committee attended the meeting held on July 28th to 31st. Frank LaMarsh, of Gold Star Post 1365, Richmond County, and 2nd District was elected Department Commander of the Legion for 2021-2022. Commander Frank LaMarsh is a Vietnam veteran and served in the U. S. Navy. Commander Frank LaMarsh designated Operation Comfort Warrior as his special project for 2021-2022.
Paul E. Dillard, a Vietnam War U. S. Navy veteran, of Post 265 in Lake Kiowa, Texas was elected National Commander of 2021-2022 at the 102nd National Convention held at Phoenix, Arizona. Commander Dillard shared his theme for this year; “No Veteran Left Behind.” He stated, “There are many consequences for a veteran who is left behind, isolation, denied benefits, lost opportunity, lack of decent housing or employment are just a few. But the most tragic outcome for a veteran left behind is suicide. We must not let them down.” He shared some statistics on veteran suicide and stated that veterans are at a 50 percent higher risk of suicide than their non-serving peers. He encouraged that we must regularly continue our Buddy Checks and offered hope that we can prevent any such tragedies.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough pledged to work to get the nation’s veterans and VA through the COVID-19 pandemic. He referring to the smaller than usual attendance of the American Legion 102nd National Convention at Phoenix, Arizona and said “It is impossible not to notice the empty seats of those who are no longer with us.” He stressed the most important thing to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is to get vaccinated. He said despite the challenge the VA has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the expansion of telehealth services allows VA to reach more veterans, including those living in the rural communities. He also stated “There is no more important outcome that preventing veteran suicide.” Thus the VA is building a network that will allow caregivers to work with veterans with mental health issues.
On the 20th Anniversary of the unforgettable tragic events of September 11, 2001, our Post continues to host a candlelight remembrance at Kimlau Square to pay tribute to the thousands who have perished and honor the heroes who bravely risked their lives to save others. This year we have coordinated with Chinatown Business District (BID), the Rotary Club of Chinatown and other community organizations to add a memorial walk to the Ground Zero Reflecting Pool at the conclusion of the candlelight remembrance. The remembrance was conducted by Commander Randall Eng and attended by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmember Peter Koo, Candidate for councilmember of 1st District Christopher Marte, Chief of Staff of Councilmember Margaret Chin’s Office Gigi Li, Commissioner of New York City Department Veterans Services James Hendon (proud to say our newest member), CCBA President Justin Yu, Ling Sing Association Kenny Leung, Chinatown BID Chair Frank Yee and Executive Director Wellington Chen, American Legion 1st District Commander Rod Rodrick, New York County Commander Jack Stein and many others.
自二零一八年川普總統簽署法定第二次世界大戰美國華裔退伍軍人國會金章,本會在過去兩年內曾多次發信與本會二戰會員或其家人聯繫,通知他們在美國同源會開設的網站上於本年五月三十一日截止前註冊領取他們在二戰保護國家的英勇及犧牲而應得的表揚金章。非常感謝婦女會第一區主席陳素芬的協助而找到本會失聯三年多的二戰會員戴光,戴光現年一百零七歲,是本會最資深及擁有七十四年長期會齡的會員, 我們一眾後輩平時對他非常敬重,所以在見到他時常以「戴先生」稱呼,因戴光的兒子是陳素芬的幼時朋友而得知戴光在三年多前入住在康州的一間療養院。本會前任主席黃建中,朱超然,幹事梅本立副主席鄧燦業連同陳素芬及他弟弟一齊在八月二十日前往康州代表本會授予戴光二戰國會金章。療養老院員工將在舉行典禮的花園以美國國旗裝飾著愛國精神以示紀念並邀請了當地媒體報導這個非常激動的頒獎儀式。在戴光家人致信感謝本會中說「正如你們都看見,家父向你們敬禮時的高興表情,我們已經很久沒看到了。」
Post Activities 會務
The following motions were approved during the June 27, 2021 General Meeting:
Approved a one-time $25.00 for 2020 transportation reimbursement for meetings and functions to all members with over 15 years of good standing membership status with the Lt. Kimlau Post (as determined by Post records as of June 2020). Deadline to claim the special reimbursement is December 31, 2020. 通過本年度會員出席會議車馬費,凡會員入會超過十五年者(以本會記錄為準),每人二十五元。此車馬費必須於二零二零年十二月三十一日前領取,逾時作廢。
Approved to pay for the membership dues of active duty service member for LY 2020-2021. 通過代繳二零二零至二零二一現役會員會費。
Approved for the donation of $10,000 to the National Headquarters Veterans and Children Fund. 通過捐款一萬元給美國退伍軍人總會軍人及子弟基金。
Approved for the donation of $2,500 to Jim Troiola, the leading candidate for National Commander for 2022-2023. 通過捐款二千五百元給占、賜利奧拉參選美國退伍軍人總會主席。
Approved the 2020-2021 executive Committee members and newly elected officers as delegates to attend the 2021-2022 New York County Convention. 通過二零二一年紐約郡年會出席代表人選。
Approved the Lt. Kimlau Post 1291 2021-2022 budget plan. 通過本會二零二一至二零二二年度預算
Approve new members of the “Post Scholarship Committee” (Gabe Mui, Don Yee and Antonio Chuy) for the LY 2019-2022 term. 通過本會獎學金委員會新成員 – 梅本立、余超俊、朱超然,三人任期為二零一九至二零二二零年。
Approved new members of the “Post Compliance Committee” (Arvin Chin, Yuek C. Moy and Thomas Ong) for the LY 2019-2022 term. 通過本會順從法令委員會新成員 – 陳毓堂、梅若松、鄧燦業,三人任期為二零一九至二零二二年。
Approved to appoint Retired Judge, Honorable Randall Eng as the Post Judge Advocate Consultant for LY 2021-2022. 通過委任伍元天法官為本會本年度評議顧問。
Approved to appoint Robert E. Lee, Esq. as the Post Legal Consultant for LY 2021-2022. 通過委任李羅伯特為本會本年度法律顧問。
Approved a one-time $25.00 2021 transportation reimbursement for meetings and functions to all members with over 15 years of good standing membership status with the Lt. Kimlau Post (as determined by Post records as of June 2021). Deadline to claim the special reimbursement is December 31, 2021. 通過本年度會員出席會議車馬費,凡會員入會超過十五年者(以本會記錄為準),每人二十五元。此車馬費必須於本年十二月三十一日前領取,逾時作廢。
Approved the donation of $500 each to Chinese School and the Chinatown Daycare Center. 通過本會年度美國退伍軍人會各項捐款。
Approve Post members to serve at the New York County. 通過年度紐約郡部職員推薦人選。
Approve to pay for the membership dues of active duty service member for LY 2021-2022. 通過代繳二零二一至二零二二現役會員會費。
Approve Post members as delegates representing the Post to attend the Department and National Conventions. 通過本會出席州部及全國年會代表。
Approve the Post to resume normal operation as of July 1, 2021. 通過七月一日起恢復本會正常運作。
Approve to host the 9/11remebrance Ceremony. 通過二零二一年“紀念九、一一”儀式。
Approve to purchase a defibrillator. 通過購買心臟復律器。
Approve to award Honorary Past Commander to Kai S. Chung for his long time serving the Post as Vice Commander. 通過頒賜李禎年名譽前任主席。
Approve Harvard Tang as a delegate to attend the National Convention. 通過鄧遐勳代表出席全國年會。
The 2021-2022 Membership cards have arrived and ready for pick up. Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person. Members’ eligible (fifteen or more continuous membership years) for the Post 2021 Transportation Reimbursement can substitute this payment for annual dues and should consult the attached notice for additional information.
Taps 仙逝會員
We are sad to report the following legionnaires have passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.
May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!
Kwock Lin Hom 朱 灼 堯 (Jun 21) |
Richard Chan 陳 維 享 (Jun 21) |
Alfred Lee Eng 伍 啟 源 (Sep 21) |
New/Transfer Members 新入會會員
There were total of six new members approved by the last two General meetings
Steven S. Lim 林 樹 芬 (Korea – Army) |
Larry Lin 林 鴻 (Gulf – Navy) |
James William Hendon (Gulf – Army) |
Bo Chen 陳 波 (Gulf – Army) |
Donald Chin 劉 挺 銳 (L. Act – Army) |
Please join us to welcome the above new members. Hope to see all of you in future functions.
We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon. Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!
THE STAFF 本會行政小組仝人敬啟
Randall Eng 伍元天
Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Thomas Ong 鄧燦業, Sean Tse 謝國寶
Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Mark Eng 伍顯宗
David Lam 林善群, Howard Chin 陳煥寧