2023 January Newsletter



American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291

Legion Year 22 – 23 Newsletter No. 3



January, 2023


Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:


In this holiday season, I wish our members all the joy of friends and family as we mark the end of a calendar year in which we resumed all of our normal activities and added some new events including self-defense classes led by Past Commander Antonio Chuy and visits by several candidates for elective public office.  These activities serve to underscore our commitment to serving our community in a visible and positive manner.

Our Post has taken on a leadership role in programs to educate the public about the disturbing phenomena of suicide among veterans and its prevention.  We must continue to be buddies and mentors to our comrades and to BE THE ONE to recognize any hardships and difficulties they may be going through.  Within the ranks of our membership we have the ability to give referrals in matters concerning health, social services, legal rights, veterans’ benefits and a whole host of other areas.  Sometimes all that is needed is a sympathetic ear and a bit of guidance to turn a big problem into a small one.  Mutual helpfulness is one of our cornerstone principles and we should all strive to lead by example in this area.

Without the dedicated support of members and leadership, we could not hold our major events on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and the 9/11 Candlelight Ceremony.  Our color guard and marchers for the community Double 10 celebration, 5th Avenue Veterans Day parade, and lower Manhattan 4th of July parade are further examples of our pride and service.

We should all celebrate the fact that our members have been called upon to serve in leadership positions in the American Legion from the National to the County and at every level in between with distinction.  It is important that we encourage those among us who aspire to participate in other roles in the Legion to pursue their goals with our full backing and support.

Our scholarship program has been a great success over the years and the academic achievements of our children and grandchildren should be a great source of pride for all of us. Many thanks to those who have given financial support to the fund that enable these grants.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our members and to the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion who all serve proudly together.  Also, with Chinese New Year just around the corner, be prepared to celebrate!

The above message is from Commander Randall Eng


As Commander Eng mentioned above, the Lunar New Year is right around the corner and we want to wish you and your families a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year, the year of the rabbit.

In addition to the activities mentioned in Commander Eng’s message, the U. S. West Point Academy faculty members who are currently completing graduate studies at Columbia University visited the Post. Our Post also attended the 11th anniversary commemoration ceremony of PVT Danny Chen’s death at the corner of Canal Street and Elizabeth Street where the street was co-named Danny Chen Way. The Post was a part of the Veterans against Asian Hate event that was held at the 107th Infantry Memorial at Central Park and was covered by ABC News. The purpose of the event is to bring attention to the rising hate crimes toward Asian Americans that have been happening all over the city. Chinese-American Veterans, Japanese-American Veterans and Korean-American Veterans all attended the event. It was a great honor to have 42 Midshipmen from the Naval Academy, members of the Academy’s Chinese Cultural Club, participate in our Veterans Day parade in Chinatown. They have been visiting our Post around Veterans Day for the past seven years. We certainly hope this special bond we have developed over the years will be continued. The Thanksgiving party was held on November 18th in the Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium where 170 Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of American Legion members, family and friends attended and enjoyed the holiday meal.

For the second consecutive year, the Post Color Guard led the American Legion contingent in “America’s Parade” hosted by the United War Veterans on Fifth Avenue on Veterans Day. One of the Color Guard members, David Eng, Past Commander of Squadron 1291 participated in the parade for the first time.  We are happy and proud that David is a new addition to the Color Guard Unit but at the same time we appeal to our younger members to step up and carry on this proud tradition. The Post realizes that the cost of the color guard uniform is substantial; a reimbursement program to offset the cost has been instituted for many years. If you are interested in joining this proud and patriotic unit, please contact Post Headquarters for more information.

Even with repeated attempts to reach the descendants of our WWII members over the past three years and notify them to register to receive their Congressional Medal, we have found a number of our members missed the May 31st deadline of last year or the subsequent Chinese-American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal presentation ceremony for New York area veterans and their families finally held in December 2021 by the Chinese-American Citizens Alliance (CACA).  The presentation ceremony was held at the Dr. Sun Yet-Sen Middle School in Chinatown. Our Post anticipated this might happen and in advance of the huge price increase, purchased some WWII Congressional Gold Medals. We recognized our members’ honorable service in WWII in a dignified ceremony and awarded them their medal on October 20, 2022 at the Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium.

We sincerely thank the families of Maj. Stanley Lee for making donations to create scholarships in memory of our long time members. We also want to thank our member Dung Hon Leung for his continuing support of the Post scholarship program by donating a total of $5,000 of the last three years. The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage members and member’s progeny for higher education. The “Maj. Stanley Lee Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000, is in its fourth year of a ten-year program and was awarded to Willie Chen, Son of Stanley Chen and the “Dung Hon Leung Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Tyler Chung, grandson of Sun Hing Moy.

We were pleased to hand out the above awards, as well as the Post Scholarship awards (equal to $700 each) to seventeen well deserving recipients during the recent Post annual Christmas party. We would like to congratulate them all on their outstanding achievement and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. We also handed out one Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award. The award recipients completed a certified course in Chinese Study. Please note that the post has revised the scholarship application period to allow students to submit their scholarship applications from January 1st to August 31st.

Important Announcement:

New Year City and some businesses are seemingly returning to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our Post has resumed normal operations in the past year and a half. Post leadership has observed that members’ participation remains low, especially regarding members visiting Post Headquarters during weekdays. With membership approval during the September meeting, Post leadership has determined that starting on January 1, 2023, the Post operating hours will be revised. The Post will be closed on Tuesdays to alleviate the need for staffing. Please take note of the Tuesday closure of the Post Headquarters.











除了上述伍元天主度提及的數項活動外,美國西點軍校目前在哥倫比亞大學攻讀研究生的教授軍官繼去年一樣拜訪本會,以增進他們對華人社區及文化的認識。本會一眾職員亦出席因受到霸凌而自殺的陳宇暉逝世十一週年紀念,這纪念活動是在堅尼路及伊利沙白街舉行,這地段又命名陳宇暉中士街。非常感謝ABC-7電視台報導在中城中央公園一零七步兵紀念碑舉辦的仇亞活動,活動目的是藉以美國退伍軍人提高紐約市民警惕,這仇亞事件巳在紐約市每一個角落不斷上升。參加這次活動的退伍軍人包括華裔,日裔及韓裔美國退伍軍人。 海軍軍官學校的中文文化交流學會繼以往七年來再一次派四十二會員由馬里蘭州前來參加本會在十一月六日舉辦的軍人節遊行,並受到本會熱烈歡迎,希望在過去七年建立的友誼繼續下去。每年一度的感恩節午餐聚會在十一月十八日本會二樓伍覺長董事長禮堂舉行,有一百七十會員及親朋參加並享受了節日午餐。


本會在過去三年用盡辦法通知曾參與第二次世界大戰的會員及其家屬在美國同源會設備的網站報名領取他們應得的國會金章,但仍有一些會員沒有在去年五月三十一日截止前報名。 第二次世界大戰美國華裔退伍軍人國會金章法案,終於在去年十二月十八日在紐約華埠孫逸仙中學舉辦頒發。本會亦預計到這可能性,於是在政府提高國會金章五倍價格之前購買了一些國會金章,以備在同源會頒發後自行在本會舉辦的活動上頒發。本會十月二十日在本會二樓伍覺長董事長禮堂頒所有參與第二次大戰獲得榮譽退伍的軍人或家屬將會得到這個勳章,以表彰他們的忠勇為國及犧牲。

本會非常感謝李飛揚家人和Saunders家人捐款設立「紀念獎學金」,同時亦非常感謝本會會員梁雲從在去年及今年共捐款五千元設立「梁雲從獎學金」,頒發給成績優異的學生,以鼓勵會員及其子弟勤奮向學,力求上進。為期十年每年一千元的「Maj. Stanley G. Y. Lee少校紀念獎學金」頒發給陳朝達兒子,一千元的「梁雲從獎學金」頒發給梅新興孫子。







  1. Post Activities 會務

The following motions were approved during the September 25, 2022 General Meeting:


  • Approved to authorize Post Staff to determine new schedule for Post operating hours and to make necessary future adjustment if needed. New schedule of operation hours once determined by Staff will be effective immediately.


  • Approved participation in the community “Double-Ten” parade.


  • Approved holding a celebration and recognition of Post members’ receiving distinguished award dinner in the evening of September 18th at Canton Lounge Restaurant.


  • Approved to hold the Post Veterans Day Parade on November 6, 2022.


  • Approved to hold a WWII Congressional Gold Medal presentation ceremony on October 30, 2022 at the Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium for families of Post members who didn’t receive their medal from CACA.



  1. News/Announcement/Gossip 其他消息


Please note the Lunar New Year banquet ticket for Legion members this year is $20, Post 1291 officers and past commanders ticket is $10.


  • The Post lunar year 4720 New Year’s Eve celebration will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 6 pm at the House of Joy Restaurant (28 Pell Street).  Anyone who wishes to attend must register with the Chinese Secretary from Monday December 26, 2022 to Sunday January 8, 2023 between 2 – 4 pm daily.  Dinner tickets are limited. Eligibility and cost for the dinner are as follow –

  • Members with 2023 membership card – one $20 ticket each.

  • Companion ticket $20.00 each – limited to one per member, no exceptions.

  • Members of the Lt. Kimlau American Auxiliary Unit or the Lt. Kimlau Sons of American Legion Squadron are invited to join this celebration if they are not qualified based on the above requirement. Cost is $20.00 and maximum 2 tickets each.  Must show your 2023 Auxiliary or SAL membership card when register.






  • The 2022 Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 Scholarship Award winners are (本會獎學金得獎人名單如下):

Willie Chen – son of Stanley C. Chen (陳朝達兒子), Tyler Chung – grandson of Sun Hing Moy (梅新興孫子), Natalie Chen (陳慧琦) – daughter of Victor Chen (陳冠文女兒), Hannah Chew – granddaughter of Jue W. Chew (趙占孫女), Kevin Chew – grandson of Jue W. Chew (趙占孫子), Charlotte Gee – daughter of Benny Gee, (Benny Gee女兒), Nicole Hom – daughter of Wayne Hom (譚超然女兒), Ashley Jew – granddaughter of Wah C. Jew (趙華昌孫女), Josephine Jew – daughter of Warren Jew (趙禧濂女兒), Leilani Kaiser – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女), Luke Kaiser – grandson of Richard Shin (單志然孫子), Philip Ma – son of John Ma (馬裕 材兒子), Spencer Ng – granddson of Jack Y. F. Ng (伍福源孫子), Aiden Wong – son of Henry Wong (黃偉生兒子), Caitlin Wong – daughter of Henry Wong (黃偉生女兒), Jeffrey Wu – son of Jai Ming Wu (伍家明兒子), Ricky Yu – son of De Zhi Yu (余德志兒子)

The 2022 Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship Award winner is (司徒旺中國文化獎學金得獎人): Natalie Chen (陳慧琦) – daughter of Victor Chen (陳冠文女兒), Christopher Gee 朱卓行 (son of Benny Gee 兒子) Congratulations to all the winners在此恭祝各得獎者百尺竿頭,更進一步.

  • Members who joined from January 18, 2004 to January 17, 2017 are eligible to apply for CAVMBC membership. Please stop by our Post Headquarter between the hours of 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm to obtain the application form.

        會員在二零零四年一月十八日至二零一七年一月十七日加入本會者可申請成為華裔美國退伍軍人實業公司成員,請親臨本會索取申請表格(辦公時   間,每日下午二時至四時)。

  • We are currently at 67% renewal in membership which is lack behind the Department goal of 75% at this time. Please renew as soon as possible so we can achieve 100% membership. Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person.



  1. Taps 仙逝會員

We are sad to report the following legionnaires has passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.

May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!


Ong L. Wu  伍 灼 榆  (Nov 22)

Dickie Chin    (Nov 22)

Jing W. Chin    陳 禎  (Dec 22)

Bow Lin Chin  陳 寶 琳   (Nov 22)

Ging F. Louie  伍 炯 芳   (Dec 22)


  1. New/Transfer Members 新入會會員

There were four new members approved by the last General meetings


Rong Q. Yu     余 榮 欽  (Gulf – Navy)

   Li H. Li    李 立 華   (Gulf – Navy)

Darren A. Chung     (Gulf – Army)

   Runxin Zhang     張 潤 新  (Gulf – Army)


Please join us to welcome the above new member.  Hope to see all of you in future functions.


We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you.  Until we meet again, stay well!




THE STAFF   本會行政小組

Randall Eng  伍元天

Sean Tse  謝國寶, Kenneth Wong  黃建中, Thomas Ong  鄧燦業,

Gabe B. Mui  梅本立, Mark Eng 伍顯宗

David Lam  林善群, Howard Chin  陳煥寧