2023 September Newsletter



American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291

Legion Year 23 – 24 Newsletter No. 2



October, 2023


Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:

We sincerely hope that you are enjoying your summer and that you and your families are safe and healthy. Although it is probably safe to say that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, we should continue to exercise caution and be vigilant with our health and safety.

The 105th New York Department Convention was held in Tarrytown, Westchester for the first time in the downstate area since the 1980’s.  Since it was held in such close proximity, our Post was well represented at the convention. Convention delegates unanimously elected U. S. Army veteran Timothy J. Collmer of Daniel Goho American Legion Post 87 in Dansville to lead the Department of New York in 2023-2024. Commander Collmer has been serving as dean of the American Legion College of New York for a decade. Commander Collmer designated the Department of New York Temporary Financial Assistance Program, Operation Comfort Warrior and Be the One as his special projects for 2023-2024. Also, congratulations are in order for our Executive Committeeman Arvin Chin and Adjutant Gabe Mui, as they were elected 1st District Commander and 1st District Adjutant respectively at the district caucus during the convention. Adjutant Gabe Mui succeeded long serving District Adjutant Frank Gee and thank him for his dedicated services to the 1st District.

As we all know, Be the One suicide-prevention initiative was the top priority when New York’s own Vincent James “Jim” Troiola was elected National Commander one year ago in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During his year as national commander of the American Legion, he has seen that the Be the One message is getting out there and that the formation of a new coalition with USAA’s Face the Fight has created the opportunity to get the message out to an even broader audience. He said he is excited about the opportunity of leveraging the resources, talent and expertise of the corporations, VSOs philanthropists and researchers so that Face the Fight can achieve its aspirational goal of significant reduction in veteran suicide.

The Legion’s Patriot Award was presented to Chip Ganassi Racing by National Commander Troiola for its dedication in promoting the values of The American Legion through a strategic partnership, which has resulted in new members and wide exposure of the nation’s largest veterans organization to mass audiences. Most importantly, by raising awareness of The American Legion’s Be the One initiative, Chip Ganassi Racing has elevated the discussion of veterans’ suicide and has likely saved lives. At the time of the national convention in Charlotte, Chip Ganassi’s lead driver Alex Palou, who drove The American car which has featured a prominent Be the One logo on its hood in the INDYCAR series has built an insurmountable lead for winning the championship in the series.

BE THE ONE, the Legion’s suicide-prevention initiative continues to be the focus and priority of the coming year. Daniel J. Seehafer of Wisconsin was elected and sworn in as the new leader of the American Legion during the American Legion’s 104th national convention in Charlotte North Carolina.  In his acceptance speech he said Be the One was created for people who consider suicide, “veterans with suicidal ideations…。 as we continue to invest our time and resources to de-stigmatize the act of getting help. It’s ok to ask for help. It is ok not to be ok”. He believes the number of daily veteran suicide figures released by the VA a couple of years ago of about 17 per day is undercounted; he pointed out that number doesn’t include active-duty deaths.  Also many veterans who died of drug overdoses were classified as accidents or unknown intent as the cause of death. He emphasized the only number he wants us to push is “one”, as in Be the One, one veteran, or their spouse, from taking his or her own life.

Addressing the 104th American Legion national convention, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough told the audience with the Legion’s support, we have delivered more benefits to the veterans than any time in our nation’s history. He discussed the VA’s advancements in improving the suicide rate, implementing the PACT Act and reducing the number of homeless. He also said that the VA expanded its work force by 18% while Veterans Health Administration has increased its work force by 5%. He also praised the work of the Legion, including its 3,000 accredited service officers and their devotion to helping veterans.

It has been twenty-two years since the unforgettably tragic day that took nearly 3,000 lives on September 11, 2001. Many continue to suffer and our Post will not let it be forgotten by continuing to host a candlelight remembrance at Kimlau Square to pay tribute to the thousands who perished and honor the heroes who bravely risked their lives to save others. Adjutant Gabe Mui conducted the remembrance in place of the long time master of ceremony of the 9/11 event, Past Commander Hon. Randall Eng as was not able to attend due to COVID-19. The 9/11 remembrance was attended by the Department of Family Leadership; Commander Timothy J. Collmer; Auxiliary President Karen D. St. Hilaire, Detachment Commander Peter J. DeAngelis, New York State Assembly-member Grace Lee, New York City Councilman Christopher Marte, CCBA President Raymond Tsang, Lin Sing Association President Kenny Leung, Ning Yung Association President Kenny Ng and many other city and state government officials. All guest speakers spoke about their personal experiences and most of them still have lingering effects of this horrific event.










  1. Post Activities 會務

The following motions were approved during the June 25, 2023 General Meeting:


  1. Approved the Lt. Kimlau Post 1291 2023-2024 budget plan.


  1. Approve new members of the “Post Scholarship Committee” (Gabe Mui, Don Yee and Antonio Chuy) for the LY 2023-2026 term.

        通過本會獎學金委員會新成員 – 梅本立、余超俊、朱超然,三人任期為二零二三至二零二六年。

  1. Approved new members of the “Post Compliance Committee” (Sean Tse, Antonio Chuy and Kenneth Wong) for the LY 2023-2026 term. Howard Chin to fill the position vacated by Commander Ong. Commander Ong will serve in the Compliance Committee’s as required by position.

         通過本會順從法令委員會新成員 – 謝國寶、朱超然、黃建中,三人任期為二零二二至二零二六年。由於主席成為當然順從法令委員,陳煥寧填補鄧燦業空缺。

  1.  Approved to appoint Robert E. Lee, Esq. as the Post Legal Consultant for LY 2023-2024.


  1. Approved a one-time $25.00 2023 transportation reimbursement for meetings and functions to all members with over 15 years of good standing membership status with the Lt. Kimlau Post (as determined by Post records as of June 2023). Deadline to claim the special reimbursement is December 31, 2023.

        通過本年度會員出席會議車馬費,凡會員入會超過十五年者(以本會記錄為準),每人二十五元。此車馬費必須於本年十二月三十一日前領取,逾時作廢。             (詳情請 參閱本期附件)

  1. Approve to purchase a table at the Operation Warrior Shield’s Healing for Heroes dinner.


  1. Approve to host the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at 5:00 pm to integrate the Department Commander Visitation on the same day.


  1. Approve the authorization of Adjutant Gabe Mui and Assistant Adjutant Howard Chin to serve as Chase Bank Administrators for all Post Chase accounts.


  1. Approve to participate in the LMHA July 4th Parade.


  1. Approve to a task force composed of staff members to come up with a suitable reimbursement for members and color guards participating in the Post parade.




  1. News/Announcement/Gossip


The 2023-2024 Membership cards have arrived and ready for pick up.  Members can remit the $25.00 membership dues by mail or in person. Members’ eligible (fifteen or more continuous membership years) for the Post 2023 Transportation Reimbursement can substitute this payment for annual dues and should consult the attached notice for additional information.



  1. Taps 仙逝會員

We are sad to report the following legionnaires have passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.

May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!

Goon Mee Lee   李冠美  (Apr 23)

   Arthur Lim   林 達  (May 23)


  1. New/Transfer Members 新入會會員

There were one new member approved by the last General meetings


Get Ong Ng  伍 棟 傑     (Leg. Act. – Army)

   Joseph John Braskey       (Gulf – Navy)

Zachary Jonathon Iscol   (Gulf – Marine)

   Jason Gerard Loughran       (Gulf – Navy)


Please join us to welcome the above new members.  Hope to see all of you in future functions.


We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you.  Until we meet again, stay well!




THE STAFF   本會行政小組仝人敬啟

Thomas Ong 鄧燦業, Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Sean Tse 謝國寶, De Zhi Yu 余德志

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Howard Chin 陳煥寧,  David Lam 林善群, Wan Y. Tam 譚煥瑜