June 2021 Newsletter

American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291

Legion Year 21 – 22 Newsletter No. 1


June 2021


Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:

It has been a very challenging and difficult year and a half for all of us; for some, their lives have been changed forever. The first half of 2021 has begun much like 2020, with all of us still living in fear of the pandemic but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With more and more people getting vaccinated and the relaxation of government guidelines, we are returning to some normalcy in our daily lives. Our Post is also gradually getting back to resuming some Post functions. In May, the Post held a nomination meeting for Legion Year 2021-2022 officers, and later held an officer election. We were honored that National Commander Bill Oxford, Jim Troiola, the leading candidate for National Commander for 2022-2023 and New York Department Adjutant Jim Casey visited our Post and laid a memorial wreath at the Kimlau Memorial.  The wreath was laid in recognition of the sacrifices of the Chinese American Veterans who answered our Nation’s call. On Memorial Day, the Post held a ceremony at the Kimlau Memorial without the usual parade down Mott Street. The change to the usual Memorial Day Parade was in compliance with New York City regulations during the pandemic.

As many of you may have learned from the news or through social media, the Lt. Kimlau Memorial was one of many properties under consideration for designation as a New York City Landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission during a hearing held on June 2nd. The designation of the Lt. Kimlau Memorial would result in its recognition as part of the heritage of greater New York and would enable it to receive greater care and attention as a symbol of patriotism, loyalty and sacrifice of Chinese Americans in the preservation of freedom and democracy. Our Post has formed a team to testify before the Landmarks Preservation Commission and we have mounted a campaign for writing letters of support to urge the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a favorable decision. The approval of the Lt. Kimlau Memorial as a New York City Landmark will place greater pressure on the New York City Parks and Recreation Department, which the care of the Lt. Kimlau Memorial is currently under, to address the deteriorating condition of the Lt. Kimlau Memorial.

We are so happy that the Lt. Kimlau Post 1291 finally got back to its normal activities; the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL Legion Year 2021-2022 officers took their oaths on June 5th, 2021. Please join us in congratulating them for a successful year. We would like to thank you for your support and trust. The officers’ installation took place at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, where the auditorium was large enough to allow for social distancing, as we are still required to observe the guidelines set by the CDC and New York City.  We also went without the normal banquet style reception, usually attended by over 1,000 people, due to the closure of large restaurants in Chinatown. Our guests included Taipei Economical Cultural Office Ambassador James Lee, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Justin Yu, many community leaders and two members of the Boston Chinatown Post 328.  We all spent time at our Post’s Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium for a buffet style meal. Thank you to all the VIP and guests for attending and special thanks to Installation Officer, 1st District Commander Joe Mondello for conducting the ceremony.

Commander Antonio Chuy reflected that during his past three years, dealing with the pandemic was the most difficult time in his tenure.  The shutdown of Post operations, the cancellation of the 75th Anniversary; many members were suffering with COVID-19 and some were dealing with the loss of loved ones – all of it was hard to comprehend. He thanked the officers for continuing to be strong and keeping most of the Post’s important functions going. He is most proud of working closely with the Chinese American Citizens Alliance on the Chinese American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Project to award the brave Chinese American men and women who served honorably and with distinction.  Their contributions ensured our country’s freedom and these courageous men and women finally got their long awaited recognition.

We are grateful to have retired Supreme Court Judge Hon. Randall Eng to lead the Post and serve as our Commander in the coming year. Below is a message to the members from Commander Eng:

 Commander’s Message

It is with great pride that I assume the office of Commander of the L.T.B.R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 just in time to meet with all of you in person with the expected re-opening of post activities on July 1, 2021.

This has been a difficult time for all of us as we have been battling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic upon our family life, social life, and livelihoods. We have remained strong in the Legion family and ready to resume the programs, which have benefited the veteran community and our Chinese-American community as well.

The wave of Anti-Asian bias and violence has touched us all and we must remain steadfast in our support of patriotism and loyalty to our country. All of our events are closed with the singing of “God Bless America” and these words that we cherish must be sung with greater vigor than ever before.

Membership will be a high priority in the months ahead. I want each of you to reach out to friends and relatives who are eligible to join the Legion to consider doing so. Many good people are seeking a meaningful outlet for their patriotic feelings and I can think of no better way than to join our 102-year-old organization dedicated to good citizenship and the support of the highest ideals of American life.

The Chinese-American business communities of greater New York were particularly hard hit by the Pandemic. Let’s join together in helping them regain the success and vitality, which they have enjoyed before COVID.

My thanks to many of you who have also served as medical professionals and first responders during this trying period. You exemplify the spirit of selfless service, which you have carried over from your time in service to your country as members of the armed forces.

Have a wonderful summer as the world continues to reopen and we can pursue the activities so important to us. Welcome Back!

Randall Eng, Commander

Auxiliary President Janice Lee and SAL Commander David Lee in their speeches thanked their respective members for their support and promised to be avid supporters for all Legion Programs. Congratulations to all the new officers and we wish them all a successful year.







婦女會主席梅蕙儀和子弟部李立民主席在致辭中感謝會員支持,並將成為所有退伍軍人會服務計劃的熱心支持者。 祝賀全體職員勝任愉快及成功的新的一年。


2021 Scholarship 二零二一年獎學金

Applications for the 2021 Post Scholarship and the Robert S. Wong Chinese Study Scholarship are being accepted through August 31, 2021.  For details concerning qualifications and requirements, please refer to previous newsletters or contact Post Headquarters. Application Forms can be obtained at Post Headquarters during office hours (2 pm to 4 pm daily) or downloaded directly from our website at www.ltkimlau.com. Anyone who wishes to apply should contact our Post for more information.



Legion Year 2021 – 2022 Officers 本年度職員

Position 職位

Name(s) 職員

Commander 主席

Randall Eng 伍元天

Vice Commander 副主席

Kenneth Wong 黃建中, Thomas Ong 鄧燦業, Sean Tse 謝國寶

Adjutant 幹事

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立

Ass’t Adjutant 助理幹事

Mark Eng伍顯宗

Chinese Secretary 中文書記

David Lam 林善群

Treasurer 財政

Howard Chin陳煥寧

Judge Advocate 評議

Richard Shin 單志然

Historian 會歷

Mimi Wang 王咪咪

Sgt. at Arms 糾察

Antonio Chuy 朱超然, De Zhi Yu余德志

Auditor 核數

Yeuk Chung Moy 梅若松, Arvin Chin 陳毓堂

Post Chaplain 宗教主任

Philip Eng 伍沃欽

Executive Committee 執行委員

Jia  M. Wu 伍家明, Don Yee 余超俊, Wilem Wong黃伯聰, Johnny Kung龔耀宗, Albert Eng 伍澄江, Jimmy Quan 關志文, David Yee余龍青, Hon Pun Chan陳漢斌, Joe Law羅明泰, Lester Chang鄭永佳, Thomas Lee李振宏

First CAVMBC Membership Meeting for LY2021-2022

Sunday June 27, 2021, 1pm at Post Auditorium

For members joined on January 17, 2004 and prior / members has been approved for CAVMBC membership only



會員必需在一月十七日, 二零零四年前加入本會或已經獲實業公司董事局批准入會才能參加會議


First Post General Membership Meeting for LY2021-2022

Sunday June 27, 2021, 3pm at Post Auditorium

For all members, please come and see what’s going on, we need your involvement





We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon.  Let us know what we can do for you.  Until we meet again, stay well!




THE STAFF   本會行政小組仝人敬啟

Randall Eng伍元天, Kenneth Wong黃建中, Thomas Ong鄧燦業, Sean Tse謝國寶

Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Mark Eng伍顯宗

David Lam 林善群, Howard Chin 陳煥寧