American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Legion Year 24 – 25 Newsletter No. 3
January, 2025
Dear Legionnaires 親愛的會友:
We sincerely hope the Holiday Season brings everyone good health and happiness. As we approach the New Year, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones; may your home be filled with comfort, peace, and happiness. The Lunar New Year is right around the corner and we wish you and your families a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year, the year of the Snake.
For decades, the families of Wing O. Hom and Kwack K. Woo mourned the loss of their loved ones, who were declared Missing in Action after serving in World War II. Last September, their long wait for closure ended when both veterans were finally identified through advanced DNA analysis. Identification and Homecoming of Wing O. Hom, a member of the U. S. Army, perished in Italy during the war. His remains were interred in a foreign cemetery, marked as unidentified. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), Wing O. Hom was positively identified. His family, overjoyed at the news, hosted a memorial service in Chinatown to honor his memory and was laid to rest with full military honors at Greenwood Cemetery. The ceremony was a poignant tribute to his service and sacrifice. The presence of military officials and community leaders underscored the community’s deep respect and gratitude for his contributions. Identification Just a few months later, another Chinese-American WWII U. S. Army veteran, Kwack K. Woo from Springfield, MA, was identified by the DPAA. Kimlau Post leadership along with members of the Boston Chinatown Post and Seattle Cathay Post, traveled to Springfield to pay their respects to the fallen hero. A Shared Legacy the identification and honoring of these two WWII veterans are a testament to the enduring legacy of their service. Their stories serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless soldiers, and the importance of honoring their memory. Both veterans were members of a generation that faced unprecedented challenges, and their courage and resilience continue to inspire. Cynthia Yee, the granddaughter of Kwack K. Woo expressed the family’s gratitude for the unwavering support they received from the community and the military. The identification process and subsequent honors were a collaborative effort that involved numerous individuals and organizations, demonstrating the enduring spirit of camaraderie and respect for those who served their country. The identification of Wing O. Hom and Kwack K. Woo is a bittersweet reminder of the sacrifices made during World War II. Their stories, though tragic, are also a testament to the enduring human spirit and the importance of honoring those who served. As we continue to remember their legacy, let us also recommit ourselves to preserving the memory of all those who have sacrificed for our nation.
The Kimlau Memorial has been experiencing steady deterioration over the years. Despite numerous requests to the NYC Parks Department dating back to the early 2000s, much-needed repairs have been delayed. The Post has met with the Parks Department on multiple occasions to discuss restoration plans, but these efforts have been repeatedly derailed by other city agencies. Three years ago, the Parks Department promised to conduct an engineering study to determine the root cause of the memorial’s cracks. Unfortunately, the situation has worsened while the study is being conducted, with large cracks developing in the supporting columns. The city deemed the memorial unsafe, barricaded it for a few months, and subsequently retrofitted it with metal brackets to stabilize it. The Post has repeatedly requested to see the long-awaited engineering study report. A meeting with the Parks Department and the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) was held on October 23, 2024, to discuss the report. We were informed that based on the study’s findings, the Parks Department is prepared to proceed with phased procurements for the restoration. However, the timeline for completing the memorial restoration is contingent upon the redesign of Kimlau Square and the reopening of Park Row, both of which have not yet been finalized.
Our Post also attended the 13th anniversary commemoration ceremony of PVT Danny Chen’s death at the corner of Canal Street and Elizabeth Street where the street was co-named Danny Chen Way. Post members joined the Chinatown community and participated in the Republic of China Double Ten Parade in Chinatown. In November, the annual Veterans Day Parade took place on Sunday, November 10th, honoring the sacrifices of our veterans and current members of the armed forces. The parade marched through Mott Street to the Kimlau Memorial, where a solemn ceremony was held. Local elected officials and community leaders joined the procession to pay their respects. A highlight of this year’s parade was the participation of 40 Midshipmen from the Naval Academy members of the Academy’s Chinese Cultural Club. These young men and women have been a valued part of our Chinatown Veterans Day parade for the past nine years. Additionally, 10 Army Cadets from West Point and 10 cadets from the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, joined the march for the second time. We are deeply grateful for their continued support and the enduring friendships we have forged. Our Post hosted a Thanksgiving party on November 17th in the Chairman Peter Woo Auditorium. Over 120 Legion members, Auxiliary members, Sons of American Legion members, and their families gathered to enjoy a festive holiday meal. While the attendance was slightly lower than in previous years due to the building elevator on-going modernization work, the spirit of camaraderie and gratitude filled the room.
The Kimlau Post Color Guards, a distinguished unit within the American Legion Department of New York, have once again taken the lead in the annual Veterans Day Parade held on Fifth Avenue. This prestigious event, renowned as the largest Veterans Day parade in the nation, is broadcast nationwide, providing a platform to honor and celebrate the service of veterans. The Kimlau Post Color Guards have a long history of participation in this iconic parade. Their dedication and skill have earned them the privilege of leading the American Legion, Department of New York contingent, a testament to their exceptional performance. The unit has previously graced the front page of the Department of New York Legion Magazine, highlighting their significant contributions to the organization. While many members of the Kimlau Post Color Guards are of advanced age, their commitment to serving remains unwavering. They march with pride and honor, demonstrating the enduring spirit and resilience that define veterans. However, the unit is in need of reinforcement as younger members are encouraged to step up and join their ranks. The opportunity to participate in the Veterans Day Parade is not only a source of pride for the Kimlau Post Color Guards but also a chance to showcase their unit’s excellence to a national audience. By leading the parade, they are setting a powerful example for others and honoring the sacrifices made by veterans throughout history. The Post realizes the cost of the color guard uniform is substantial; a reimbursement program to offset the cost has been instituted for many years. If you are interested in joining this proud and patriotic unit, please contact Post Headquarters for more information.
Our scholarship program has been a great success over the years and the academic achievements of our children and grandchildren should be a great source of pride for all of us. Since the scholarship program was revived in 2005, we have awarded over 280 scholarships to children and grandchildren of our members.
We sincerely thank the families of Maj. Stanley Lee and Charlie Chu for making donations to create scholarships in memory of our long time members. We also want to thank our member Dung Hon Leung for his continuing support of the Post scholarship program by donating a total of $8,000 over the last six years. The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage members and member’s progeny for higher education. The “Maj. Stanley Lee Memorial Scholarship” of $1,000, is in its sixth year of a ten-year program and was awarded to Sara R. Ng, granddaughter of Jack Y. F. Ng and the “Dung Hon Leung Scholarship” of $1,000 was awarded to Willie Chen, son of Stanley Chen.
We were pleased to hand out the above awards, as well as the Post Scholarship awards (equal to $700 each) to fifteen well deserving recipients during the recent Post annual Christmas party. We would like to congratulate them all on their outstanding achievement and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. Please note that the post has revised the scholarship application period to allow students to submit their scholarship applications from January 1st to August 31st.
我們衷心祝福節日帶給大家健康和幸福。 值此新年來臨之際,我們向您和您的親人致以最誠摯的祝福; 願您的家充滿舒適、平安和幸福。農歷新年將至,在此謹祝大家心想事成,身體健康,家庭和睦,生活愉快,蛇年行好運。新的一年帶來了新的希望,亦帶來了興奮的心情來迎接今年忙碌的挑戰。
本會非常感謝李飛揚家人和Saunders家人及趙汝孝家人捐款設立「紀念獎學金」,同時亦非常感謝本會會員梁雲從在過去數年共捐款八千元設立「梁雲從獎學金」,頒發給成績優異的學生,以鼓勵會員及其子弟勤奮向學,力求上進。為期十年每年一千元的「Maj. Stanley G. Y. Lee少校紀念獎學金」頒發給伍福源孫女,一千元的「梁雲從獎學金」頒發給陳朝達兒子。
Post Activities 會務
The following motions were approved during the September 29, 2024 General Meeting:
Approved participation in the community “Double-Ten” parade.
Approved to hold the Post Veterans Day Parade on November 10, 2024.
Approved to purchase one table to attend the American Legion Post 460 Military Ball.
News/Announcement/Gossip 其他消息
Please note the Lunar New Year banquet ticket for Legion members is $30, Post 1291 officers and past commanders ticket is $10. There have been past incidents that caused disruption when purchasing dinner tickets. To minimize any future disruption and streamline the process, all members must proof their current year membership by showing their membership card when purchasing the dinner tickets. No exceptions will be granted.
The Post lunar year 4722 New Year’s Eve celebration will be held on Sunday, January 5, 2025 at 6 pm at the House of Joy Restaurant (28 Pell Street). Anyone who wishes to attend must register with the Chinese Secretary from Monday December 16, 2024 to Sunday December 29, 2024 between 2 – 4 pm daily. Dinner tickets are limited. Eligibility and cost for the dinner are as follow –
Members with 2025 membership card – one $30 ticket each.
Companion ticket $30.00 each – limited to one per member, no exceptions.
Members of the Lt. Kimlau American Auxiliary Unit or the Lt. Kimlau Sons of American Legion Squadron are invited to join this celebration if they are not qualified based on the above requirement. Cost is $30.00 and maximum 2 tickets each. Must show your 2025 Auxiliary or SAL membership card when register.
請注意:本會會員團年餐券每張三十元,本會職員及前任主席每張十元。過去在購買餐券曾發生擾亂事件,購買餐券時發生擾亂。 為了避免未來再有擾亂事件發生,會員在購買餐券時必須出示二零二四年會員證。 不會有任何例外。
The 2024 Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 Scholarship Award winners are (本會獎學金得獎人名單如下):
Nicole Hom (譚蕙心) – daughter of Wayne Hom (譚超然女兒)
Malia Kaiser – granddaughter of Richard Shin (單志然孫女)
Willie Chen – son of Stanley Chen (陳朝達兒子)
Wilson Chen – son of Stanley Chen (陳朝達兒子)
Joyce Chen – daughter of Bangze Chen (陳邦澤女兒)
Gaven Chan – son of Jerry Chen (陳子晉兒子)
Katelin Chen – daughter of Bo Chen (陳波女兒)
Spencer Hom – grandson of Chuck Hom (譚卓滋孫子)
Ashley Jew – granddaughter of Wah C. Jew (趙華昌孫女)
Elizabeth McDonaugh – granddaughter of Mark Eng (伍顯宗孫女)
Ethan Eng Young – grandson of Yat Q. Yee (余日光孫子)
Matthew Eng Young – grandson of Yat Q. Yee (余日光孫子)
Luke Kaiser – grandson of Richard Shin (單志然孫子)
Sara Ng – granddaughter of Jack Y. F. Ng (伍福源孫女)
Aiden Wong – son of Henry Wong (黃偉生兒子)
Olivia Wong – granddaughter of Poy Fook Wong (黃沛福孫女)
Tristan Wong – son of Henry Wong (黃偉生兒子)
Anna Wu (伍瑋菌) – daughter of Jai Ming Wu (伍家明女兒)
Ricky Yu – son of De Zhi Yu (余德志兒子)
Congratulations to all the winners在此恭祝各得獎者百尺竿頭,更進一步.
Members who joined from January 18, 2004 to January 17, 2017 are eligible to apply for Chinese American Veterans Memorial Building Committee (CAVMBC) membership. Please stop by our Post Headquarter between the hours of 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm to obtain the application form.
We are currently at 62% renewal in membership which is lack behind the Department goal of 75% at this time. Please renew as soon as possible so we can achieve 100% membership. Members can remit the $30.00 membership dues by mail or in person.
Taps 仙逝會員
We are sad to report the following legionnaires has passed on to the Commander of us all post everlasting.
May Our Comrades Rest In Peace!
William Jung 鍾 偉 仁 (Aug 24)Gladys Art (Jun 21) |
Charli Chu 趙 汝 孝 (Sep 24)Henry Leung 梁 利 景 (Nov 24) |
New/Transfer Members 新入會會員
There were six new members approved by the last General meetings
Hungyu Lam 林 洪 宇 (Gulf – Marine) |
Stephen T Chan 陳 學 理 (L. Act – Marine) |
Vouthanack Sovan (Gulf – Air Force)Seth Shi Luis 戴 天 明 (Gulf – Army) |
Jared Jethro Stamaria (Gulf – Marine) |
Please join us to welcome the above new member. Hope to see all of you in future functions.
We hope the above information will be of interest to you and we hope to hear from you soon. Let us know what we can do for you. Until we meet again, stay well!
THE STAFF 本會行政小組仝人敬啟
Thomas Ong鄧燦業
Kenneth Wong黃建中, Hon Pun Chan陳漢斌, Wilem Wong黃伯聰
Gabe B. Mui 梅本立, Howard Chin 陳煥寧
Ping Wing Chu朱炳榮, Wan Y. Tam 譚煥瑜